Hello, Product Hunt! I’m Ruslan Kulikov, Co-founder of FANCY!

Ruslan Kulikov
1 reply
Hi Product Hunt community! I’m Ruslan Kulikov, co-founder of FANCY, a subscription-based design service that helps businesses and startups get quality design consistently (https://fancy.design/). Our goal is to make the design process easy, accessible, and fast. At FANCY, we believe that great design should be available to everyone, so we offer flexible subscriptions that can fit the needs of any project. I’d love to get to know you and exchange ideas and contacts! You can find me here: - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruslan-fancy/ - Twitter - https://twitter.com/ruslanfancy - Dribbble - https://dribbble.com/HugeArt Let’s stay connected and create amazing projects together!


Julia Zakharova
Hi Ruslan! Come in, make yourself comfortable, it has its own atmosphere). P.s. I've subscribed to your contacts everywhere 🙂🙂