Daniel Tanque

Hello World of Product Hunt(ing)


Hi there, looking forward to learn and share insights here. I'm working on XR with several technologies, Vuforia, Arcore, Unity AR, OculusSDK, Unity 3D, Unreal, Android, A-Frame, ... After several iterations and pivoting I'm now launching a VR app (available on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pandurett.tourapp ) with focus on tourism, enabling guided virtual tours to Museums, Art Galleries, emblematic Streets + local commerce and monuments. The goal is to enable a way of diversify income stream for such players, mainly for temporary exhibitions. But besides that enabling new incumbents to the industry of tourism such as teenagers and elderly. Youth have lack of financial resources to pay for flights, staying and food. Elders can't do long trips neither flights. With VR those barriers are broken and several segments can be served. Right now i'm setting more focus on Marketing, Product Development. Personally I like reading a lot, learning a lot (masterclass) and mainly helping others, mainly through tech. Piano. Feel free to connect 🤝 More info: https://danieltanque.com

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Paolo Go
Welcome Daniel, I'm also quite new on PH, but I can tell you that you'll find a lot of great info and products here. Your product looks interesting. What languages are you using to develop applications for VR?
Daniel Tanque
@access24 Hello Paolo, thanks I've been learning a lot about marketing some strategies people used to acquire first users, I guess it was also in Techcrunch or some magazine alike that drove me here, but I'm truly enjoying the community here. It depends on the device, this project started in 2021, so loads of iterations, the mobile app is just the "consumer product" but there's more behind it. So on web app I'm using Laravel, this is basically to create and edit virtual tours, it then lets export via URL. For the Oculus Quest I'm using Unity3D and A-Frame. And for the mobile app I'm using Flutter+Firebase, but probably in the future we will do something in Android Kotlin (we already have something but not publishable yet), this is because of the limitations of Harmony OS in China, and that is a huge market that can't be ignored, mainly from what I see in Europe.
Elena Tsemirava
Hi Daniel, nice to meet you!