Hey, where can i build the coming soon page?

Chel Chen
6 replies
URL will be great! love you guys.


Johan Steneros
Can anyone tell me how much time between the coming soon page and the launch is ideal? Or does it not matter, for example, can you set the coming soon page for 1 or 2 months or should it be a shorter timeframe?
@jsteneros You can schedule your launch up to 30 days ahead. By default, your product will be visible after midnight (Pacific Time) to be visible for the entire day.
Aaron O'Leary
You can do so once you schedule your product, go to the product page after scheduling and you should see a prompt to do so :)
Hey @chenx552 great question, i was looking for exactly that for our launch :)
Once you schedule your product, it'll be visible to you near the header section to make a teaser page for your upcoming launch! :)
Click on your profile > Go to My Products > Schedule a post > you'll see a new button "teaser launch ( create teaser )" click and well you're done.