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  • Hi, all!

    Pedro Pimenta
    0 replies
    Greetings from the Iberian Peninsula! I'm eager to learn from all of you! My wife and I have a small little project for adventurous families: a travelling family that wants to meet or stay with others or a family that wants to share their home with others. Or both, of course! Our idea is to build a community around sharing experiences and learning from other families, with a focus on nomadic or worldschooler families. It's called Homestays with Kids and it's already available in https://www.homestayswithkids.com. We're working on material to launch here on Product Hunt but we're not ready yet. We hope to be able to maintain this community for a long time but for now we need a critical mass that we haven't reached so that the project can be meaningful for many families! Already some families have met and we are very happy with the feedback we have received. I want to read all of your experiences and try to not have all the possible missteps available to choose from :) Thanks for reading!
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