Hi, I am Gunjan and I am building Hit MVP - A MVP planning app

Gunjan Karun
1 reply
I have more than 2 decades of experience in building apps for Startups and Enterprises. I am using my project delivery experience to build a project planning solution for non-technical startup founders called https://HitMVP.com With all these AI tools available in the market, it is easy to code. Now the real challenge is to understand what to code and follow the age old best practices of software development when working on any reasonably sized app idea. Hit MVP will give easy-to-understand tools for non-technical founders to communicate and manage their dev teams.


David Fischer
Hi @gunjan_karun we have needed HitMVP when we started to plan our MVP of Lingoamo as non technical founder! But it now it will be a pleasure to use for our AI tool integrations platform. Have you launched here on PH already?