How about discovering a project that is non-AI, non-SaaS, non-work-performance project?

5 replies
I wonder if sometimes I'm in the right place, many on PH have a lot of experience and have been launching products for a long time, or big companies it seems as well. In the true spirit of Indie making, I'm asking you what your projects are and why you think they stand out. I'd be happy to hear your pitches ;) Oh and have a look at wingtap, together we can actually make the world a better place, like for real. We're just my brother and I doing this, so we don't have the super liking audience power some projects on here have, but if you think we can make a difference we count on you!


Gurkaran Singh
Have you ever wanted to take a break from the AI and SaaS frenzy? Imagine a project that feels like solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded - challenging, unexpected, and totally cool. Let's bring out those hidden gems and let wingtap soar high!
@thestarkster I do!!! hahah it's so much AI, and I feel like because it's AI you can pop out a new project every week and it will sound fancy. I just don't get how this can actually work... Thank you for your support! I count on you to make wingtap big, feel free to check out the website and download the app too :) Do you think that exposure you get on launch date is like really a good push? I'm trying to get people interested and upvote or notified, but like it's quite a lot of effort to get out there and win person after person.
My Phung
Love this post. What's wingtap about? Tried looking on your profile, but I don't see a website. I'm building BuilderFive, a mobile networking app that promotes productivity and authentic conversations. We help early stage entrepreneurs collaborate within small groups of five like-minded peers to overcome shared roadblocks, track and visualize their unique entrepreneurial experience, and meet people in person at events. It's like a mix of, clubhouse, omegle, and a journaling app. In March of this year I wanted to create a college club for entrepreneurs, but because I was a senior it wasn't feasible for me to start one without much time left. There were also 5 other clubs, but they were full of people interested in networking but didn't have something of their own going on. So I decided to host a networking event for 5 days from then, and I messaged about 80 people I knew who were working on their own projects. 12 people showed up and stayed for 3 hours, and they wanted me to host another one - and in the next one 30 people showed up. I had around 100 user interviews of 15 minute+ over the winter, and it was revealed to me that 70% of the people, unbiasedly, preferred to network in authentic environments such as the classroom, in group projects, within friend groups, at clubs --not at networking events. So, when I hosted mine I made it low-key, and people appreciated that. I had a dozen failed experiments: setting up an online discord server, setting up irrelevant events (online game night/game room), asking people to pay to be a member of a discord server, etc. Where we gained traction was connecting people in small groups of five. We had people ask for consultation in starting their journey. People wanted ways to track their experiences over time. People want authenticity to share the ups and downs of a startup. Our solution solves several problems, but our ultimate goal is to help people achieve their goals. We start with the journey entrepreneurs take to go from 0 to 1, but next we'll do other topics - like fitness. Answering why we think we stand out would take a while to explain fully, but in short our users will feel more productive and more free to express the highs and lows in the journey - a lack of which strays them from current competitors
@my_phung Thanks for sharing! An interesting story, and I like that it comes from own experience and struggle in a way. From the get go, my impression is that it appears hard to scale, it's quite niche, but I'm curious to see how you'll spin it. Who does truly enjoy the big networking events, but I guess that's where the scale comes along and the ease to organize. I really would like to see how you'll make it more informal and authentic! The failures were good learnings, really nice! I wish you a really good and exciting journey, and I'll keep posted on your progress :) Btw I updated my page, you can check out the website now, and I'm looking forward to see you as a user ;) would be cool if you get notified on the launch too!