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  • How best to reach U.S. customers?

    Patryk Pijanowski
    26 replies
    Hey! A warm welcome to a new week for everyone! Today I come to you with a question: what is the best way to reach a potential client in the US - IT industry (development of websites, applications, systems, etc.)? We are a startup from Europe and we want to enter the US market. Is it necessary to set up a company in the states or does it not matter? How does a client look for a contractor and what is most important to them? I would appreciate if you share your thoughts with me!


    Addau Rabiu
    In my experience Building trust is key. Physical presence helps, but strong online reputation and partnerships matter too.
    Luka Brzin
    Are you B2B or a B22C startup?
    Nifal Adam
    If you are setup in Europe, you can just use Wise to accept payment without setting up a US LLC. But starting a US LLC is also quite cheap, around $500 will be enough. The real problem will be marketing and sales. not the setup.
    Nifal Adam
    @patpijanowski No harm in setting up a US LLC then. You wont be taxed in the US if you dont operate from US and have no offices there (afaik) and then you can wire the money to Europe and get taxed there.
    Try placing targeted ads on social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram. They allow you to target your audience by geography and interests.
    Incorporating in the States probably not necessary, but you'll minimally need to be plugged into the us financial system if you aren't already (eg stripe). If you have zero professional network in the states and are trying to break into b2b, building a company and personal presence on LinkedIn is probably the lowest barrier to entry for establishing a beachhead. There is a lot of competition already so will need to have clear messaging on why you are different. Not as bullish on paid reach for b2b as others.
    Partner with influencers or bloggers with a large following in the United States. They can help you reach a larger audience more effectively.
    Albert Wiston
    Participate in US-based online groups or forums relating to your product. Engaging with these organisations can assist to raise awareness and trust.
    Anaya Fatima
    I’ve found that leveraging social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook is great way to connect with U.S. customers. Tailoring your content to resonate with local trends and interests can help build engagement. Running targeted ads and engaging with influencers who have a U.S. following can also boost your visibility and reach.
    Sana Khan
    Hi there! To reach US clients, try networking on LinkedIn and joining industry events. It's a solid way to connect and show what you can do.
    Joseph Parker
    Consider using platforms like Upwork or Clutch. They’re great for finding US clients who need IT services and can help you get your foot in the door.
    Edward Moore
    US clients usually look for a strong portfolio and solid experience. Make sure your best projects and client reviews are front and center.
    Albin Diego
    Establish a solid online presence through a professional website, SEO, and active social media profiles to attract U.S. clients.
    Andrew Paul
    You can use freelance platforms like Upwork or Clutch to connect with U.S. clients.
    Angelo Bram
    Could you consider partnering with a U.S.-based company to gain credibility and easier client access?
    Patryk Pijanowski
    @angelo_bram We will probably sooner set up the company ourselves locally, if we think it is necessary.
    Arvid Boaz
    While not mandatory, having a U.S. entity can enhance trust and ease legal processes, making it easier to do business.
    Asher Bennett
    Participate in U.S. tech conferences and trade shows to network and showcase your services.
    I think focus on building a strong online presence, including a professional website and active linkedin profile.
    Han Kim
    Launching soon!
    I think it depends on if you're b2b or b2c. would love to hear some advice regarding b2c startups tho
    Building trust based on various social platforms may be the most important
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Leverage LinkedIn: Connect with decision-makers and share relevant content. Partner with Local Agencies: Collaborate for referrals or outsourcing. Attend US Tech Events: Network and build credibility. Personalized Cold Outreach: Highlight your value and past successes. Showcase Case Studies: Use proven results to attract attention.