How big is your startup team?

Vasily Malyshev
12 replies


It's just me and my depression
Erkin Bek
@galeonn LOL πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Let's not forget the rare joy when we get something right
@neelptl2602 Awh, yeah, forgot about those boys, I hope they won't get mad at me for this
Neel Patel
@galeonn Stress and anxiety as well :)
Aceel Kibbi
Our team is small but mighty. We have members in both the US and EU so we're always on the clock! We just launched our product today: Wois (link in profile) and we're all working tirelessly to hit the Top 3. Would really appreciate your support, every upvote counts! Happy to return the favor :) thanks!
Neel Patel
@aceel_kibbi upvoted! Yall working on interesting stuff. I am going to try Wois today.
Just over 10 people here. Can’t wait to get customers and grow though. 😎
Vasily Malyshev
@earl_c That first paying customer feels like a miracle! Feel you! Good luck!
@stoicbasil OMG you said it! πŸ˜… Thanks for your support. ☺️
Erkin Bek
Well, we have seven people in our company as you probably know, including all areas at work (almost) :) It's an interesting fact that in 2000, an early-stage startup had an average of 5 employees, but by 2020 it had become 4 employees. This trend is observed all over the world.