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  • How do you balance work and personal life when running a business? 😰

    Casper Brix
    70 replies
    Curious about what works for you? ... And also, what was something you stopped doing because it didn't work?


    Hazel Victoria Ashworth
    It's definitely a challenge to balance work and personal life as a founder. I think you have to accept that in the early stages, your business will consume most of your time and energy. Like you said, cancel your personal life temporarily so you can focus 100% on getting the core of the business right. Friends and family should understand. But communicate that it's just for this critical early period, not forever. Once you have strong product-market fit and the right foundation, then you can start reintroducing more work-life balance. In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask for help and support from loved ones. You can make it up to them later when things settle down. It's an intense sprint but if you do it right, it pays dividends in the long run.
    André J
    Cancel your life for a while to get the core of what you're trying to solve right. the first period is so sensitive and the key is to get it right. then once you know your on the right track. Subscribe partially to your life again. But the mindset must be, your doing this once or a few times in your life. its not forever. so you can afford to give up a lot to gain a lot later. and ask friends and fam to help you, again not forever, the spotlight is on you for a small pocket of time, you can pay it back to them later.
    Viktor Surkov
    @sentry_co totally agree. you just can't limit your attention while starting a new business, and your thoughts about it. For me right now is just work, day in and day out, nothing else. literally, nothing.
    Casper Brix
    @sentry_co A sprint (limited time) mindset can definitely help - don't try to achieve everything at the same time!
    Gabriel Ryan
    By setting clear boundries
    Alexander Galitsky
    I don’t. It’s either sex or biz 🙅
    Alex AI
    I don't Work or relax Hard to work on vacation Hard to relax in work mode
    Tyrone Robb
    Launching soon!
    You have said a few words I don't understand, sorry... personal life, balance. What language is this.
    Siri Nana
    Prioritizing tasks is key for me. I focus on what’s most important, and that helps free up time for personal life without feeling guilty.
    Darren Bardsley
    Don't be afraid to delegate tasks to employees or contractors, especially if they can be handled by someone else.
    Borja DR
    Stay up late or wake up early—whichever works for you. But always make time to disconnect and recharge; it will help you return at full strength.
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    To be honst, I don't balance anything. I wish I could, but I am not able to do that yet. If you are founding your first StartUp you might not be able to have work life balance till you get to the point where most of your processes are up and running, once that happens you start to automate things and delegate other things and in process of trying to achieve that goal, your most important goal should be not to burn out, till your StartUp achieve traction and you get enough clients so that you can pay the bills and focus on growing and figuring out how to optimise things to get some free time for other important things whether for applying more growth hacking or for your personal life, but please try to not burn out and stay healthy, your health is your only caplital in the beginning and will still the most important capital in all stages of your business, if you are not suffering mentally and physically you will suffer from losing very important opportunities and you die to find out how to get out of this struggle and you might struggle for so long without anyone knowing.
    Misna Aira
    by prioritizing the most important parts
    Amalia Hamilton
    For me, scheduling everything (even my downtime) made a huge difference. I used to try multitasking all day, but it left me more stressed. Now, I block time for work and then I’m done for the day. Helps prevent burnout for sure.
    Purvam Joshi
    I recently pivoted my career from content industry to product industry , so I don't! I feel that If I want to make it big I have to be dedicated towards word! and Bezos also said something similar that "Balance is a myth"
    Azza Shahid
    There is no balance
    Piotr Bartoszek
    I would say 1. Setting Clear Boundaries - Leave work at a reasonable hour 2. Prioritising Self-Care - Block out time for hobbies, family, and friends 3. Learning to Say No - Politely decline when necessary 4. Asking for Help - Delegate tasks if you can.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I balance work and personal life by setting clear boundaries, like defined work hours and non-negotiable downtime. I prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and make time for activities that recharge me, like exercise or spending time with loved ones. It’s all about staying organized and being intentional with my time.
    Prince Antonio
    Make a clear schedule and make sure you do it according to the schedule you have made, and of course it will not be easy.Good luck and I hope you can do it well😊
    Laeequa Ahmad
    hmm - where should I start.... it's an every day struggle, to be honest.