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  • How do you bring visitors to your landing page after the launch day in PH?

    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    32 replies


    Muhammad Huzaifa
    After launching your landing page on Product Hunt (PH), it's essential to continue driving traffic to it to maintain momentum and visibility. Here are some strategies to bring visitors to your landing page after the launch day on PH: Social Media Promotion: Utilize your social media channels to share the news of your landing page launch on PH. Encourage your followers to visit, share, and engage with your page. Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send out a dedicated email or newsletter to your subscribers, informing them about the launch on PH and providing a direct link to your landing page. Content Marketing: Create valuable and relevant content related to your product or service. Publish blog posts, articles, or videos and include links to your landing page within the content or in the author's bio. Influencer Outreach: Reach out to influencers or industry experts who might be interested in your product. Collaborate with them to share your landing page with their audience. Online Communities and Forums: Engage in relevant online communities and forums where your target audience hangs out. Participate in discussions and, when appropriate, mention or link to your landing page. Guest Posting: Contribute guest posts to other blogs or websites in your niche. Include a link to your landing page in the author's bio. Paid Advertising: Consider investing in paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other social media platforms. Target your ads to reach your ideal audience
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @muhammad_huzaifa7 Appreciate a detailed list. This is gold for us now! Lot to cover this weekend..
    @muhammad_huzaifa7 Hi Muhammad! these tricks are really helpful
    Jagtar Singh
    Usually, I have seen people using Twitter threads for generating traffic. First, provide them with some free information and provide the link to your website. Use hashtags Create a thread on the indie hackers website about what solution your product is providing Create case studies on specific scenarios and share them on LinkedIn. Create a short on youtube and a reel on Instagram explaining the problem solution your product is providing If you have a budget you can run Google or Facebook ads
    Padmakar Roy
    @jagtarsingh2 Great points! But should the handle have enough followers/connections to get visibility on these portals?
    Jagtar Singh
    @paddyroybt I understand your point when you are starting there are always fewer followers but when you become consistent your follower will increase gradually. I have tried these type of experiments and it has worked very well and it is very effective because brands always want a human connection Become the face of your brand and your sales will increase effectively
    Padmakar Roy
    @jagtarsingh2 Totally agree! What I meant was that if you want to promote on social platforms, you need to plan it at an earlier timeline so that by the time you are posting, you have some attention!
    Tin Chung
    @jagtarsingh2 Related to Twitter, how would you build a social profile effectively from zero?
    Jagtar Singh
    @chungquantin There are multiple ways to increase followers For the next 6 months, you will need to be consistent - First select 2 or 3 niche like sales,marketing and AI - Start posting content - Use hashtags while posting - Reply to the customers who ever reply on your tweet Personally , I have used the above tactics and results was effective
    Vincent Lonij
    This is a great question. PH is awesome for a boost for a few days but not a complete long-term user acquisition strategy. Social media is a good channel to reach people but the key is good content. One thing that I've seen work well is to build some small but valuable free apps for your target audience and promote those across your socials.
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @vincentropy Thanks for sharing. Content is the King and will put this in action.
    Jam Straw
    After the launch day on Product Hunt (PH), it's essential to continue driving traffic to your landing page to maintain momentum and attract new visitors. Here are some short strategies to help you bring visitors to your landing page after the initial launch: 1. Content Marketing 2. Community Engagement 3. Social Media Promotion 4. Press Coverage 5. Email Marketing 6. Optimize SEO 7. Paid Advertising 8. Referral Program
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @bestdesign2hub These are great suggestions. #4 - Press coverage never had this experience, have you been this path. Appreciate your help if you can show us the way! Thanks
    Harshu thaheed
    Establish Connections on ProductHunt: Start by actively participating in discussions on ProductHunt. Engage with the community, share your insights, and build relationships with other users. This will help you establish a presence on the platform. Reach Out on Twitter and LinkedIn: Identify users on Twitter and LinkedIn who also have ProductHunt accounts. Send them direct messages to introduce yourself and your upcoming product. This can help you expand your network and create anticipation for your launch. Initiate Launch Day Discussion: On the day of your product launch, start a discussion on ProductHunt. Share details about your product, its features, and how it can benefit users. Encourage feedback and answer any questions that arise. This will help you engage with potential users and generate interest in your product.
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @harshu_thaheed Thanks and just building relationship is always the best way!
    Posting on social media on the milestones of the launch and after-launch helps I think. Most successful products did that in the past launches.
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @ozgumusbusra Thanks and appreciate the directions. Simple but powerful!
    Irina Ivashchinenko
    I think it's a whole complex of actions—socials, community, etc.
    Oleg Eltsov
    PH Community and socials.
    Matthew Kuzmin
    I agree with @jagtarsingh2 regarding strategy. It helps for a few days, but in fact it's a pretty good tool to get more recognition on your social media. After that you can continue build your strategy
    Noam Gingold
    Find mini influencers on social media that might like your product
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @noamgingold Thanks! Any platforms where they hang on apart from IG, LI and twitter.
    abdullah oza
    you can attract visitors to your landing page through social media promotion, email marketing, influencer collaborations, content marketing, online communities, paid advertising, PR outreach, and a referral program.
    Gavaskar Rajagopal
    @online_kgrtech Thanks for the great list. Any recommendations on the PR outreach.
    Charlie Charles
    There are a few ways to bring visitors to your landing page after launch day in PH. You can run paid ads, guest blog on relevant websites, or reach out to influencers in your industry.
    Cyril Gupta
    Advertising, social marketing, emails.