How do you come up with ideas for new features (products)?

Ruben Boonzaaijer
8 replies


Through continuous feedback loops, from users, prospects, online reviews, social media, competitive analysis, market etc
Kees Vlak
Have brainstorm sessions a lot
Ryan Zhang
I usually draw inspiration from user feedback and emerging trends in the industry, ensuring that any new feature or product not only addresses current needs but also stays ahead of the curve. It's all about striking a balance between innovation and practicality.
Ideas for new features often stem from closely listening to user feedback and identifying patterns in their needs and challenges. Additionally, staying attuned to industry trends and technological advancements can spark innovative concepts that align with users' evolving expectations.
Martyna Krzyzanowska
Usually, we base our decisions on reviews from our users in App Store and Google Play
Aris Nakos
I try to improve workflows and products I have lots of experience with. For example, I launched, because for I enjoy and need to speak in various languages. This tool enables me to get fluent faster 🐰 by speaking 🗣️ to a bot.
Diogo Maia Caetano
I try to focus as much as possible on user feedback and I try to correlate that feedback with ideas and/or sketches that I might already have.
Ashutosh Raj
Entrepreneurship is about solving a problem that is personal and you see a lot of others also struggling with the same. Have cold called a lot and it was a hard challenge to do that especially selling in B2B. Saw a lot of SDRs and AEs also facing similar challenges, and fast forward to today, we are helping Sales reps get better at cold calling without burning real leads.