How do you decide who to invite to a meeting?

Sebastian Karges
10 replies


Baran Cezayirli
Inside the team only people relevant with what meeting is about. Though I am trying to avoid meetings as much as possible.
ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
What’s the meeting about?😅
André J
Launching soon!
As long as it's an audio call. Much lower latency, so you can ping pong faster, and you can spend your brains bandwidth on the conversion, instead of worrying about zoom 👉tapping👈 out after 30min limit 😅
Shreya Gupta
Based on who will do the maximum work 😂
Gurkaran Singh
Great question! When it comes to inviting people to a meeting, I look for a good mix of expertise, perspectives, and caffeine tolerance levels. It's like assembling the Avengers, but for tackling project deadlines instead of world-ending threats 😉. Happy meeting planning!