How do you find beta testers? Any platforms you use?
Martina Hackbartt
9 replies
Hey, hunters!
Finding beta testers is never easy, and we're soon launching a big update that will require lots of testing. So how do you find them? Do you use any platforms made for that matter?
Would love to hear about your experience!
Sven Radavics@sven_radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships and
Warmup Inbox
I LinkedIn automation campaign with Phantombuster can work well. I usually run outreach campaigns to people active on the relevant hashtag and ask them for feedback.
Contact request message:
"Hi #firstName#
I see that you are an influencer on the topic of #hashtag# and would like to connect"
Followup message (when contact request accepted):
"Hi #firstName#
Thanks for accepting my contact request.
I recently launched #productName#, I would be interested in your feedback, as you are an expert with #hashtag#"
You can contact 100 people per week. 30 to 50% will give you feedback with this template.
Trello Tip Generator and Newsletter
You should check out Polywork! They just launched last week on product hunt and they're all about helping people find folks for things like this!
I happened to did just that with some success. I simply made a demo and asked on Twitter. Offered premium at launch.
My take on this would be to do things that don't scale. Reach out to your audience with a direct approach (which requires identifying which channels are best), and then maximize your efforts. For example on my end, I automated mass personalized DM on Linkedin using Walaaxy + Sales Navigator, then set up 30mn to 1hr video calls with each one that responded. I stopped when I got about 100 interviews done.
Of course, this doesn't mean digital marketing must be avoided. For instance, I created a landing page and set up basic SEO things, + I wrote a few posts on other social platforms (Reddit etc.) to get backlinks on my domain, have natural traffic on my website, and additional feedback.
Hope that helps.