How do you find great Christmas gifts?

Hugh Lagrotteria
2 replies
Finding great gifts for people can be super time consuming and stressful. At Outdone, we're trying to ease this pain with an ai-powered gift recommender tool. Before Outdone, I would typically start my shopping journey with an aimless Google search or by begging friends/family for recommendations 😅 How do you typically find great gifts for people? Any good tips or secrets you can share?


Satish Kumar Veluri
I really on inputs from people so far. The reason being you can really get an idea on what the person is looking for as they always talk about it with friends and family but don't expect that as a gift.
Hugh Lagrotteria
@satish_kumar_veluri Such a good point. I sometimes find myself opening my phone to jot down ideas as people are talking about things they want / need 🕵🏻‍♂️