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  • How do you keep investors focused on your pitch?

    Ghulam Abbas
    7 replies
    Keeping investors focused on your pitch is crucial, especially if you're not there to pitch it. With thousands of decks in their emails and a short attention spans, how do you avoid VCs to get disturbed by the first notification?


    Achille Cavinato
    hey Ghulam, a trick that i've heard of is to: 1. identify founders which the targeted investors work with 2. connect with these founders 3. after a chat, if there are nice vibes, ask to these founders to introduce you to the targeted investors NB: i haven't used personally yet, but it is a trick that make sense for me, indeed i remember it :) have a nice one! Achille
    Robin P.
    Launching soon!
    Get the key points across in a teaser so the investor can quickly assess if there is a high-level fit that warrants the investor to spend more time going through your deck. Soon we're making raisebetter.capital available to founders, through this platform you'll get your detailed startup company page that can be shared with matching investors. Fundraising needs some standards, the whole process is too inefficient unfortunately. Hoping to change that very soon!!
    Victoria Louise Turner
    Hey Ghulam! Another trick is to research the investors beforehand and tailor your pitch to their specific interests and portfolio. Look at the companies and sectors they've invested in before. In your pitch, draw connections between your startup and their past investments to show how you align with their focus areas. Investors love to see that you've done your homework! Also practice your pitch a ton to keep it clear, concise and engaging. Good luck!
    Benjamin Lewis Anderson
    Great question Ghulam! Here are a couple tips I've heard: 1) Practice your pitch until it's super tight and engaging. Cut anything extraneous and get right to the compelling bits. 2) Do some LinkedIn sleuthing on the investors to find common interests/experiences you can weave in to build rapport. 3) Have some interesting stories or anecdotes ready to share that highlight your unique insights. 4) Pause strategically to let key points sink in and maintain focus. 5) Close strong with a clear call-to-action. Hope this helps, and best of luck with the pitch!
    Vitaly Aver
    To keep investors focused on your pitch, start with a strong, concise opening that highlights the problem you’re solving and the impact of your solution. Use clear, engaging visuals and a compelling narrative to maintain attention, while keeping the deck short and to the point—ideally 10-12 slides to avoid overwhelming them. The perfect plan 😁👌