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  • How do you keep yourself happy?

    Cedric Mathias
    14 replies
    Happiness is subjective, and it is often said that people engage in different activities to find happiness and maintain their peace. What are your thoughts on this?


    Kevin Not-A-Robot
    I often walk with my wife and 2-year-old daughter. We talk about life and things to be thankful for. My other activity is video games. The worlds crafted in that medium draw me in and excite the imagination I've always had as a child.
    Cedric Mathias
    @thegoodbadugly_ai Family plays a very good role in keeping us happy and keep moving forward.
    Nola S.
    I find joy in small daily routines, like a good cup of coffee in the morning or a walk in the park.
    @nola_s_ro Agreed! Sometimes, it's really the little small things that matter :)
    Cedric Mathias
    @nola_s_ro That's a good way to keep yourself energetic and happy.
    Joseph Parker
    I keep myself happy by spending time with friends and family. It always lifts my mood
    Cedric Mathias
    @jo_seph_parker Family has always been a go to for me also😊
    Edward Moore
    I try to stay positive by practicing mindfulness and not sweating the small stuff. It really helps me stay centered.
    @edward_mo_ore agreed! I find that practising mindfulness helps me to stay focused and aware of things to be thankful for
    Cedric Mathias
    @edward_mo_ore Thank you for your wonderful insight.
    Two Heads
    Keep going to the gym :D
    Cedric Mathias
    @twoheads 😂 Gyms are the best
    I completely agree! For me, a mountain trek is a perfect example—being surrounded by nature, embracing the challenge, and enjoying the solitude can be incredibly fulfilling and restorative⛰️