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  • How do you manage the pressures of work, your own project commitments, and your personal life?

    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    27 replies
    Sometimes maintaining a fulfilling personal life while working make me feel overwhelmed. Do you ever experience that as well?


    Marco Moauro
    Until now I have devoted more to 9-18 work than the rest, with the new year I would like to limit myself to doing my since you are never repaid for the real effort you spend anyway and devote more to my projects, physical activity and my girlfriend :)
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @marco_moauro1 That sounds like a great plan! Wishing you success for the coming year.
    Phil Filippak
    @marco_moauro1 that's a great and beautiful commitment. Good luck on your path!
    Phil Filippak
    Yes, for sure. Sometimes things are overwhelming.
    I try to stay organized with a solid schedule and prioritize tasks. Taking small breaks and making time for things I enjoy outside of work helps keep the balance.
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @priyankamandal Thank you for sharing! For a balanced approach, I'll remember the significance of organisation and taking breaks.
    Yaroslav Berejnoi
    It's tough, for sure. Staring at a computer all day at your 9-5, and then coming home to stare at the computer for another few hours to build your own product, is tiring. Throw cooking dinner, cleaning, kids, etc. in the mix and it doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day. Working on something that you're passionate about definitely helps. If there is no motivation from the excitement of what you're building, then you should save your energy for bigger and better things. Building fast and failing early is crucial as well. You're going to miss out on some opportunities, and you want to try to minimize the time it takes to figure out what you are building is worth it or not. If your project takes off, well that's great! Leave your 9-5 and regain that time to build it bigger and better. Eventually your project will be your 9-5 and hopefully you can restore some work-life balance. But of course, always prioritize your loved ones. You can always cut out a slice of your time to show them how much your appreciate them. They'll come and support you when you need them most!
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @yarobear Thanks for sharing these meaningful insights.
    Set Boundaries Between Work And Personal Time. ... Take Breaks Throughout The Day. ... Schedule Time For Your Hobbies And Interests. ... Delegate Tasks When Possible. ... Say No To Extra Work. ... Take Vacations. ... Practice Relaxation Techniques https://buyghostgunskit.com/
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @aria32 Appreciate the advice! I'll keep these in mind for a healthier balance.
    Well, technically if you're overwhelmed then something isn't fulfilling. You're managing a bunch of obligations, rather than doing things that are good for you and give you a sense of purpose. Take care of yourself first. Take regular stock of your priorities and what's working for you. And as a busy person, pareto principal is always a good idea for every aspect of life. Focus on being effective.
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @whelm_me Thanks for the advice! It makes a lot of sense to prioritise self-care and focus on what genuinely matters. That's something I'll keep in mind.
    Markk Tong
    I totally understand where you're coming from. Balancing work, personal projects, and personal life can definitely feel overwhelming at times. It's a common challenge that many of us face. One thing that has helped me is setting clear boundaries and priorities. I try to allocate specific time for work, personal projects, and most importantly, for my personal life. It's all about finding that balance that works for you. It's also important to remember that it's okay to ask for help or to take a step back when things start to feel too much. Self-care and managing stress are crucial in maintaining a healthy balance.
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @markk0217 Thanks for sharing your perspective. Setting clear boundaries and priorities appears to be a useful strategy. I'll keep that in mind.
    Task Management and knowing where my limits are. Limits should be tested occasionally and pushed every so often, but I try to do everything in moderation with equal enthusiasm.
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @reconcatlord Absolutely! Wise words. Task management and testing limits in moderation is key. Thanks for the insight!
    I prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and schedule downtime.
    Vivek Sharma
    My focus generally remains on time management and proper prioritization
    Egon Tyrell
    , always prioritize your loved ones. You can always cut out a slice of your time to show them how much your appreciate them. They'll come and support you when you need them most!
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @egon_tyrell Without a doubt! Appreciate the idea to make time for loved ones—they're the real support system. 🙌
    Balance in life has always been super important to me, and it's a note that young founders and innovators should pay more attention to. I push, at a reasonable rate (see my recent discussion about working fast vs. slow and steady), and always decompress and disconnect. For me it's tennis, working out, sauna, plunge, keeping a nice wellness routine. For others, it will be something else, but what battery runs at 100% without being recharged? Something to keep note of on all of our journeys.....
    Pallavi Ganpat Babar
    @light_silver Absolutely agree! Balance is crucial. Your focus on wellness routines is inspiring. Thank you for reminding me! 🌟
    I don't. I'm getting my butt whooped rn lol.
    Poul merry
    Proper prioritization