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  • How do you manage the technical tests after an interview ?

    Manuel Menneveux
    5 replies
    Hello PH community, I'm actually looking for something to improve my recruitment phase. I want to create technical tests for different levels of full stack developers. During my previous recruitments, I used a document we created with the team, but it wasn't adapted to all types of profiles. I'm pretty sure we missed a lot of opportunities by judging the developer on an unsuitable task. In the past, I saw a company that used CodinGames, the tool was very great and provided a detailed report for each profile. How you manage this in your company?


    Stefan Pettersson
    Coffee Companion
    Coffee Companion
    A method I've personally used for many years is to have the candidate do a coding "test case" prior to the technical interview. The case shouldn't be big, or hard/tricky, and shouldn't take a lot of time to do (if you know what you are doing = 1 hour) - preferably it should be described in a paragraph. The instructions for the candidate should say that although small, the candidate should make the sure it is production quality. Something of the shape that they would do a pull request for to be merged to the production branch. During the technical interview - you both got a recent code base to discuss and look at. How did the candidate come up with the solution? How is it ensured the implementation is correct? And so on... Note that the point is not to see if the candidate can solve a tricky problem, but to create something the candidate knows 100%. Now - depending on level of seniority - put the implementation through different scenarios and ask the candidate how they would do it? "What if you needed to expose this implementation to external customers, what would you do then?" "Ok, if you got an enormous amount of requests - where would the bottle neck be?" "In what way would you scale this?" "If, by some reason, processing the result would take several minutes - how would you change the implementation then?" You would ask different questions of a junior candidate compared to a senior. A senior you could expect to reason about architecture, message queues, cloud services, etc. While with the junior candidate it may be more relevant to talk about testing for example. I think this method is pretty good - it gives good insight into the developer experience, and it doesn't stress someone out because they have to live code something, or remember some trick algorithm question only people straight out of university remembers.
    Manuel Menneveux
    @stpe I like the idea of using the technical test to talk about different situations in a project and ask the candidate how they would handle them. Thank you for your advices. Currently, my technical tests is a PDF asking the candidate to create a small app using an open API to retrieve data. But, I think this test is more frontend oriented than full-stack oriented. That's why I'm trying to find a tools creating small challenges with different use case, to avoid wasting time on starting a frontend app, adding documentation ect
    Stefan Pettersson
    Coffee Companion
    Coffee Companion
    @manuelmenneveux In my case it has been the emphasis on backend, so basically just stuff to run from the command-line. If more front-end focused, you could provide a template app to build from to avoid the candidate to do too much scaffolding/boilerplate.
    André J
    Technical tests can't differentiate candidates. They can at a minimum declare a candidate fit for service.
    Manuel Menneveux
    @eonpilot for sure, that's why my technical test is open to all solutions and methods. there is not a perfect solution. I just want to know how they handle situations and the creativity of the solutions.