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  • How do you manage workload on Fridays, so you can enjoy the weekend without feeling overwhelmed?

    Hamza Afzal Butt
    57 replies


    Edward Dan
    Consistent progress throughout the week, and in software try to avoid pushing potential breaking updates!
    Deniz SutaĹź
    Don't leave any work to the weekend! This fallacy is way too common and I do it sometimes too; I think I got so much time ahead of me until Monday and I can figure out a couple tiny work responsibilities over the weekend. Just wrap up on Friday as you are supposed to, have a fresh start on Monday morning and clear your head off of any responsibilities hanging over your head.
    Ivy Lee Method 🙌 I plan 6 tasks for my work day, prioritise them by urgency and stick strictly to the schedule.
    kashaf irfan
    Try to complete all my tasks before day end.
    Johny burg
    Nothing special.
    Mirena Vasileva
    Always have 3 tasks only for the day and prioritise by "urgent" and "can wait until monday" then write it down so you know you won't forget after the weekend and allow yourself to switch off
    Katja Alissa Mueller
    @mirena_vasileva @hamza_afzal_butt same system here with the 3 tasks per day. It also helps to see Thursday as your Friday so you could then use Friday to clean up things and plan for the next week to come.
    Mirena Vasileva
    @hamza_afzal_butt @katjaalissamueller Love this idea! I tend to leave little for Friday and smash Thursdays, too! That way I have few hours for admin work on Friday
    Charlie Charles
    Proper planning.
    Alina Dyabina
    What happens at work, stays at work).
    Magic Mike Paine
    To me, work isn't predicated on days of the week, or certain times. Clearly when you're at the office, you're in "work mode" but the "grind" to create more opportunities extends beyond the office. So the way I try to balance work/life, I make sure that when I'm with the people I love, I put my phone down and focus on them. I find the biggest challenges to be around efficiency with your time whenever you sit down to do work. Meetings for example, most of them can be cut back 75% or more. For example, a meeting that could last 7 minutes, extends past an hour.
    Sarah Playford
    Reflect on my accomplishments for the week to boost my motivation.
    Rofy Okyere-Forson
    I go extra hard to be efficient from Monday thru Thursday. This allows lighter workloads on Fridays so I can ease my way into the weekend.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @rofy Nice. Will try to do the same to see the results.
    Gayatri Singh Faujdar
    Might find it cliche but everyday managing your tasks and doing it on priority basis can help . Rest it’s individual’s capability and ability to manage!
    Neal Woolery
    Fridays can be stressful, but I've learned to handle my time more effectively by prioritizing my workload, setting achievable goals, and delegating responsibilities when I can.
    Andrea Aceves
    I literally always end up working on Sundays #guilty I actually kind of like it though. I’m not boring I swear!
    Kseniya Avtukhovich
    Make a to-do list and prioritize your tasks. Identify the most important tasks that must be completed before the weekend and focus on those first.But be realistic about what you can accomplish on Friday. Avoid taking on too much work that will leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
    Nasreen Akhter
    Practice time blocking to ensure I have enough time for each task.
    Maali Baali
    Use productivity apps and tools to streamline my workflow.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @maali_1 What app do you use?
    Hifsa Ahmed
    Take regular breaks throughout the day.
    You guys are enjoying weekends?