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  • How do you prioritize features for your product roadmap?

    Austin Armstrong
    33 replies


    Sahil Mahalley
    Prioritizing features on the roadmap is one of the important challenging tasks. Before explaining "how" we should know "why" It ensures alignment with business goals and user needs and maximizes the probability of return on investment (ROI) of our efforts. Now coming to "how" Every feature should contribute to your brand goals and product vision. Gather and analyze user feedback with user surveys, analytics, and customer support tickets. Remember, the loudest voices aren't always representative of your entire user base. Look for patterns and trends in the data. Balance Short-term Wins with Long-term Goals Analyze how potential features will affect: New vs. existing users Different user personas or use cases Paid vs. free users (if applicable) The goal isn't to build every feature, but to build the right features at the right time. With practice and persistence.
    Prem Saini
    I make myself a Prioritisation matrix where I define features, their reach (high, low or medium), how it is going to impact, the confidence we as a team have in it that it will work out, how much effort my tech team has to make and lastly the RICE score to jot down the points.
    Pritam Davda
    Prioritizing features for our product roadmap involves several key factors: 1. Customer Feedback: We gather and analyze input from users to understand their needs and pain points. 2. Market Trends: We keep an eye on industry trends to ensure our features stay relevant and competitive. 3. Business Goals: We align feature development with our strategic objectives and business goals. 4. Technical Feasibility: We assess the complexity and resources required for each feature to ensure it’s feasible to implement. 5. Impact and Value: We evaluate the potential impact and value a feature will bring to our users and the business. By balancing these factors, I aim to build a roadmap that delivers the most value to our users while supporting our long-term vision.
    charles shiro
    I used Felo.ai to summarize the idea for you. You can refer to it. https://felo.ai/search/VbEkFkTYQ...
    Evan Christopher
    To consider both between the impact & the cost itself, as well as to consider, which feature would be align with your company's biz goal! With that being said, you want to make other stakeholders chime in into these things, so that they could give inputs from their side as well (cause remember, it's not PM's duty to get to know all things!). Prioritize the shared understanding and you'll know where to head towards to.
    Rayyan Jawed
    By customer feedback!
    Sergii Alekseev
    Based on the strategy and users's feedback. You can use ICE score model to get precise score and choose what you need to build.
    Karthik M S N
    We prioritize features by: User Feedback: Analyzing user needs and pain points. Market Trends: Staying competitive with industry advancements. Technical Feasibility: Assessing complexity and resources. Business Goals: Aligning with strategic objectives. Impact and ROI: Evaluating potential value and return on investment. By balancing these factors, we ensure we're focusing on the most valuable features. How do you gather and incorporate user feedback into your development process?
    James Anderson
    By balancing user feedback, business goals, and technical feasibility to ensure we're delivering the most value.
    Luka Brzin
    It's usually the juggle between two things: 1. user feedback 2. business goals I always collect and analyze user feedback to see what people want, but I always remember that it's us whos buidling the product, not the users. Sometimes what users want isn't the best for the business. With that being said, I would say that business goals outweigh user feedback, because without generating revenue, we wouldn't even have a business to run.
    James Alexander
    I prioritize features based on user feedback, market trends, and alignment with our long-term vision.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I prioritize features for our product roadmap by balancing customer feedback, market trends, and our business goals. I gather insights directly from users, stay updated on industry developments, and ensure alignment with our strategic objectives. :)
    Moncef Aguejdad
    Honestly, it depends on your goals, budget and idea stage. 1. idea: You have to form a complete idea/concept of your product and all its features, next step is to see which feature is unique to your product. 2. goals: do you want to do full launch? is it for market validation? is it to get beta testers? 3: budget: if you can ship the full product with minimum expenses why not do it? but if you are tight on the budget side I would say launch the product with THAT unique feature and keep adding the other features Those are prelaunch steps but post launch, usually listening to feedback and the needs of your users is the key here. Ofcourse this decision has to be made on other factors too such as trend, difficulty, impact...
    Milli Sen
    There's a few new tools like features.vote that lets users vote for the features they need.
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    Priorities must be set with the users/customers. What we did in the past and what worked for us was: 1. Collect all input/ideas 2. formulate a tool/company goal for the next three months. 3. Run a Google design sprint to condense all ideas into the product/increment 4. Test your product proposal with users from your beachhead market 5. integrate their feedback into the proposal 6. plan backlog for the next months 7. repeat whenever needed
    Muhammad Hassan
    When ranking features, I consider achieving business objectives, user needs, and technical viability. I prioritize impact, strategy alignment, and ensuring users see the value of making well-informed decisions.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I start by gathering user feedback and analyzing market trends. For example, when working on a SaaS platform, I identified that users were struggling with onboarding, so I prioritized an enhanced onboarding feature based on its potential to improve user retention and satisfaction. Regular reassessment ensures we adapt to evolving needs and maximize impact.
    Rahul Agarwal
    with customer's feedbacks.
    We uses Important/Urgency matrix table. Most urgent/important always first, and the rest depends on urgency.
    Aniket Ashtikar
    For DocXter (https://chat.docxter.app), our prioritization of new features is based on: - Enhancing product experience - Addressing the most requested features by our users - Continuously gathering and acting on user feedback through forms, surveys, and social outreach. I think this pretty much covers any product and I must say it is working well for us and our users!