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  • How do you see AI impacting the job market in the next 5 years?

    Prasad Lingawar
    1 reply
    I think AI has the potential to wipe out a lot of jobs, WDYT folks?


    Aryan Sharma
    OK, here's the deal with AI and jobs in the next few years: Some jobs are gonna disappear. You know, the boring office stuff and simple customer service. AI's getting pretty good at that. But it's not all bad news. New jobs are popping up too, mostly in tech. And a lot of the time, AI's not taking over jobs completely - it's more like giving people a hand. Like helping doctors spot things in x-rays they might've missed. The key is gonna be changing with the times. If you're good at stuff AI can't do - like being creative or solving tricky problems - you'll be in good shape. We're also gonna need people who know how to work with AI, not just fight against it. How fast is all this gonna happen? Hard to say. It depends on how quickly AI gets better, how businesses use it, and what the government does about it. Bottom line: some jobs will go away, but new ones will show up too. The real challenge is making sure people don't get left behind when things change. What do you think - are you worried or excited about what AI means for jobs?