How do you stay productive as software developer?

Javier Sánchez
6 replies


Uma Venugopal
i love learning new frameworks and constantly building. Being adhd doesn't help with me having to sit with one stack forever and I look for hackathons or even weird ideas of my own to see if I can build it(tldr: challenge yourself)
Tatiana Vdovychenko
One really cool method that many find helpful is the Pomodoro Technique. Basically, you work intensely for about 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute breather. After four cycles, take a slightly longer break – like 15–30 minutes. It's a fantastic way to keep your focus sharp and your energy up. If you're looking for more ways to boost your software dev productivity, you should definitely check this article, how to stay motivated.
Ilyes Ouhadj
The best piece of advice and the best thing you can do to be as productive as possible as a software developer is to prioritize your tasks! First, find out what are the most important tasks you have to do and in what order! If you have tasks that are of the same importance, start with the hardest task! break it down into small parts and get it done.
Javier Sánchez
@zedkira When I have tasks of the same level of importance, I prefer to start with the easiest ones, because even if you break down the difficult ones into smaller parts, they could take time and in the end, you might feel like you are falling behind.
Daniel Hunt
* It's important to make sure requirements are clear before starting to type * Break down big tasks into small tasks * Sandbox time into investigative sessions when things are unclear
I try to keep short productive session of 2 to 3h max then I relax for 1 hour away from my desk. It works for me