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  • How do you think AI will change education in the next decade?

    Ali Jan
    14 replies
    AI is already being used for personalized learning and tutoring. How do you think it will continue shaping education for students and teachers in the next 10 years?


    Ed Mitchen
    AI can streamline the grading process, freeing up teachers to focus on more meaningful interactions with students. πŸ™‚
    Martin Peters
    I really think AI will make personalized learning a lot better. Having a virtual tutor that adapts to each student's style would be awesome!
    Trevor Collins
    I can totally see AI helping teachers with all those admin tasks. If they could focus more on teaching, that would be such a win for everyone.
    Iris Carr
    I also think AI will make lifelong learning way more accessible. Tailored resources for adults looking to upskill could really change the game!
    Hoping it’ll create more opportunities for everyone to receive an education
    Luna Yeager
    Specialized training, tracking learning progress, and corrections. In terms of personalized guidance, the cost of AI is clearly much lower than that of using real human teachers, and it has patience and endless energy. However, I believe that human teachers have irreplaceable qualities as well.
    Hongyuan Cao
    working and learning.
    AI offer Personalized Learning which is more convenient 😍
    Betty Williams
    AI-powered tutors can provide real-time feedback, answer questions, and offer explanations, making learning more engaging and effective. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    Daniel Clevenger
    AI can provide educational content to each student's unique learning style and pace, ensuring that everyone gets the attention and support they need. πŸ₯°
    Isis Clemente
    AI can create assessments that adjust in difficulty based on a student's performance, providing a more accurate measure of their understanding. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Avhijit Nair
    I think AI will bring down the amount of time required to grasp a concept. Instead of spending time reading multiple research papers, scrolling endlessly through Google and other such activities, students will be able to get a quick overview+digestible contnet chunks from AI.
    Overall, the integration of AI in education could lead to a more efficient, engaging, and inclusive learning environment ..