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  • How do you usually handle feedback?

    Priyanka Saini
    33 replies
    Feedback can be tricky. Sometimes, it feels like criticism rather than a helpful guide. But whether it's about our work or personal life, feedback can be a powerful tool for improvement. ⚒ I'm curious—how do you take feedback in your professional and personal life? 🧐 Share your perspective! 👇🏼


    Matthew Baker
    I handle feedback positively by viewing it as a chance to improve and grow. I always try to learn something new from it.
    Alexander Galitsky
    With a clenched fist
    Feedback on a product is overwhelmingly useful —— users taking the time to give you feedback at least shows that they are still interested in the core functionality of your product, and I thank those people for that!
    Dan O'Malley
    I'm grateful for feedback from anyone. It is important, however, to assess the validity of the feedback given the context of the situation and project to determine if it's actionable.
    Kavya Tripathi
    Without taking it personally!
    Destiny Jeremiah
    I always try to view feedback as a chance to learn and improve. Even if it’s tough to hear, it often helps me grow.
    sandhya Kumari
    When I get feedback, I try to keep an open mind. It can be hard sometimes, but I know it’s meant to help me improve.
    Moses Habila
    I think of feedback as a tool for personal and professional development. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it to see how I can do better.
    Ogaga John
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    Persoanlly, i know there is an art of giving clear feedback. But when I am on the receiving end, I take deep breaths and maintain a composed demeanour, even if the feedback is not clear or seems like a personal attack
    Ogaga John
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    At the end of the day, I try to find the useful aspects of the feedback, even if it's not all positive.
    Nafsiyya Ubalawan
    I view feedback as a chance to learn and improve. I try to focus on the constructive aspects and use them to enhance my skills or work process
    Elsa Jonathan
    Handling feedback can be challenging for me but I try to approach it with an open mind. I remind myself that it's meant to help grow, even if it doesn't always feel that way.
    Prince Kumar
    I use feedback as a tool for self-reflection.
    Billy Boy
    I focus on the actionable parts of feedback and apply them to my work. It helps me make meaningful changes.
    Sharon Owens
    I try to separate my emotions from the feedback and focus on the message. Constructive criticism helps me refine my approach and achieve better results.
    Arslan Ali
    Sometimes, I struggle with feedback especially if it feels overly critical. But I try to take a step back and evaluate the points made to see if there’s value in them.
    Isabel Hely
    I generally take feedback in stride, seeing it as a valuable perspective that can offer insights I might not have considered otherwise.
    D Babu
    I handle feedback by listening carefully and keeping an open mind. I find that understanding different perspectives helps me improve and grow.
    Bashiri Abdullahi
    I always appreciate detailed feedback and make sure to ask follow-up questions if needed. It helps me clarify any uncertainties and apply the suggestions effectively.
    Ulysse Renaud
    I make it a habit to act on feedback quickly. Implementing changes right away helps me address issues while they’re still fresh and relevant.