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  • How far will AI develop?

    3 replies
    Hey there! Have you ever wondered how far AI will develop? Will it continue to advance at its current rate, or will it hit a plateau? And what will this mean for us humans? Some experts predict that AI will keep getting smarter and smarter until it can do just about anything (including telling really bad jokes). But others are more skeptical and think that there are limits to what AI can do. Personally, I'm just excited to see what the future holds for AI. Who knows, maybe one day we'll all have our own personal AI assistants that can help us with just about anything (including coming up with punny jokes like "Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems"). What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions on the future of AI in the comments below!


    Hemant Warier
    It's difficult to predict exactly how far AI will develop in the future. AI technology is advancing rapidly, and we're already seeing AI systems that can perform a wide range of tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans. As AI technology continues to advance, it's likely that we'll see even more impressive developments in the coming years. However, it's also important to recognize that there are limitations to what AI can do, and it's unlikely that it will ever be able to completely replace human intelligence or creativity.
    Krishna Kumar
    Interesting question. Let me whip out my crystal ball... AI will develop to such an extent that it will be indistinguishable from the I (intelligence) that created it. It will create intelligence within itself, which will slowly develop and will start creating its own languages and machines and mechanisms. It will develop to such a state that it will even create its own artificial intelligence. This will in turn create intelligence within itself.... and the cycle will continue and continue and continue...
    Richard Gao
    I can't make too many predictions into the future, but I think we're going to see something similar to OSs when microsoft first popped up. OpenAI will dominate the market and have the best general AI. However, there's going to be smaller fish in the pond or open source solutions that are better for specific use cases that fill in the holes OpenAI left over. For example, GPT-3 and ChatGPT are quite restrictive in terms of what content you're allowed to produce with them, which may pave the way for open source models similar to Stable Diffusion to pop up. For example, there is already BLOOM, Google's T5, and GPT-J, so I am excited to see more in the future. The only issue is compute costs, so I can definitely see Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure rising in the future. Since even open source models are so thirsty for compute power, it's very unlikely they'll be free to use even though they're technically free unless you have an entire personal server. I'm actually working on making open source models more accessible. BLOOM is quite an interesting one since it has a similar amount of params to GPT-3, so I'm developing an AI API that allows devs to access the AI unrestricted through an API. The full model of BLOOM will be hosted on the cloud. It won't be free (compute isn't free!) but it'll make AI more accessible, and there won't nearly be as many limitations as OpenAI. If you're curious, you can follow me for progress on my twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealEtch