How has Product Hunt changed over the last couple years?

Shambhavi Mahajan
7 replies


Gurkaran Singh
Product Hunt has evolved from a platform showcasing mainly apps and tools to a diverse marketplace featuring everything from gadgets to productivity hacks. It's like watching a tech garden grow from just apps into a full-fledged tech forest!
It feels more community-centric and varied these days.
Andreas Sohns
It's more interactive and diverse now.
Elaine Lu
Product Hunt has evolved to become more community-driven, with increased focus on user engagement and feedback. Additionally, the platform has introduced new features to support product discovery and maker visibility.
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
Other than the AI bot comments, it has changed mostly for the good.
Paulina Hryniewicz
I've only started using it this year, so curious to hear what others' experience is! PS We're launching Insights Hub today - join the party and come say hi!