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  • How is your Monday routine?

    Sefa Sarıkaya
    53 replies
    We start with a board meeting and then continue with team meetings. It takes half of the day already. At midday, I plan the week based on the outcomes of those meetings. How about you?


    Diana Yerkanatova
    self reflection, solid planning for the week and breaks between tasks.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @diaanna I often forget those breaks. I tried the Pomodoro method several times but I wasn't consistent about it. However, I still know the importance of breaks between tasks, you are doing a good job.
    David Stirk
    Monday is about alignment for us, so I pretty much spend the day in meetings or planning.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @dstirk When you are making your purchasing decisions, I think you wouldn't like to be contacted by salespeople on your alignment day.
    Adithyan Selvaraj
    I start by checking all the emails from Saturday and Sunday. Plan the upcoming week's work before the afternoon, so that it saves time for the rest of the week. In the afternoon, I start working to complete Monday's task.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @adithyan And how do you stay in the track? Me too I plan my week but still I am having new tasks during the week.
    Adithyan Selvaraj
    @sefasarikaya I break down complex tasks into 3-5 sub-tasks, so it doesn't look like a burden and you should try planning your week by including some ME hours. During that time, if you have new tasks try to complete that and upskill yourself or network.
    Julie John
    Monday is analysis day for me to check all the websites I manage. I check analytics, search console and ahrefs to check everything is going smooth.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @julie_john In my case it is for Friday. I have my weekly checklists and I'm making sure if everything is going smooth.
    Dilan Aydın
    Mondays are kinda planning days for my team. We create our tasks and assign them. Then, we start working KPI-oriented.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @dilan_aydin Working KPI-oriented is the best. Which KPIs do you have for Sales, Customer success, and Technical support?
    Dilan Aydın
    @sefasarikaya We focus only on marketing KPIs such as CTR, engagement rate, and organic website traffic. We didn’t start paid advertising yet. Thus we don’t track paid side right now.
    Wake up at 7 am. Go for a half-hour swim. Go for a nice shower...Whether you want to learn more about personal finance or trade Stocks, Currencies, Commodities, and Indices, Compare Brokers will help you.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @steven_williams5 Waking up that early and going to swim is something I could do only twice a month. And those days are the days I felt the most energetic.
    Sanat Mohanty
    Full time job: Start with checking today's calendar, P0 deliverables, team check ins, aligning week's roadmap with leadership team. Side project: Early morning: engage with folks on PH & IH discussions, pick up today's action items on product build. Late evenings: mostly content reading / curation
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @sanat_mohanty What IH stands for? Today I saw it several times but I don't know what is it.
    Sanat Mohanty
    @sefasarikaya Indiehacker. It is another helpful platform . You should check it out
    Rich Watson
    Man that's a rough way to start the week. Mine is more laid back compared to yours, but today I've pulled an all-nighter and will be up the whole day as we have just launched and the page is live. producthunt.com/posts/trade-hub-the-social-trading-app
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @richw I hope your launch was successful
    Anoir Houmou
    Meet with my developers and the marketing department - it's important to keep everyone's goals aligned and keep everybody informed on what's happening
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @anoirhoumou That's important to have the whole team aligned, I agree with you
    Alessandra Mikail
    I like to start my Mondays by waking up a bit earlier than usual to enjoy my coffee. After that, I like to catch-up with any emails I might have missed from the weekend and then plan ahead for the week.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @alessmkl What time do you wake up? I love to see many tasks are completed when I wake up early.
    Aditya Rajput
    Woah. That seems like a busy way to start the day. Slowly get up early to make my morning coffee with all the time in the world for the perfect cup. Spend some time in Sip......Think.......Sip........Think.......Sip Get ready for work. Make a list of deliverables. Be prepared for all the work updates and take it one task at a time.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @adityasinghrajput It is something we usually forget. We need to take a step back, take a sip, and think about the big picture.
    Rhea Reanoga
    Turns out - cancelled meetings. Haha!
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @rhea_reanoga sometimes cancelled meetings are the best ones, a chance for you to do something more productive 😀
    Aphelia T.
    Brief meeting in the morning and then straight to work. Trying to find the window to answer all the emails at once and also have a cup of coffee. Otherwise, workworkwork :)
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @technufllc being able to keep it short is a success!
    G. M. Mehdi
    Team meetings, client meetings, and then further planning of the week.
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @g_m_mehdi Pretty much the summary of the above comments
    I'm actively spending time writing a few blog posts for my product & replying to customer emails :) The tricky part about being a solo founder is that I have to carefully manage time though 😂🙌
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @gouthamj You are doing a good job, I think I saw you on Twitter, remembered your profile photo
    @sefasarikaya Thank you Sefa. Awesome that you're on Twitter as well :)
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @gouthamj It's a great platform. Just followed you :)
    Charlotte Lucas
    I used to do it more often, but the weekly cadence suits me best. Apart from that, it's the same as every other day, i.e. Wake up around 9AM Question life choices in regards to bedtime Make coffee Set up workspace for the week (we don't have that much space, so I remove my work setup over the weekend) Start around 10ish
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @charlotte_lucas9 I usually question life choices when I go to bed, but it might be better to do that when wake up :D
    Jane Makarevich
    Usually, I use Monday for planning the week and performing some first the most important tasks. It looks like this: 1. In the morning I try not to be in a rush and go for a walk with my dog, have a longer breakfast, etc. 2. After that I do my little personal week-planning 3. I have a call with my partner to plan the week and track our progress: we analyze our learnings and brainstorm about ways how we can move faster. The very inspiring meeting usually :) 4. After that I have lunch and then move the crucial tasks from the planning to let them go. So that's it. Also, I try not to do all the tasks on Monday and have some rest in the evening. It's a conscious decision, cause usually I feel really energized on Monday and can work till midnight :) But in this case I'll feel not too good on Tuesday, so I'm working on that balance)
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @jane_makarevich It looks like an amazing routine. There are a lot of things that I should copy from your Monday routine
    Apollon Latsoudis
    Basically sleep until Tuesday. Only then the week really starts
    Angela Dickinson
    I’m one of those people that love Mondays. Like you, we dedicate part of the day to meetings that set us up with our priorities and goals for the week
    Sefa Sarıkaya
    @angela_dickinson Me neither, I don't have any syndrome for Monday. It's a new beginning 🤩