How long have you been active on Product Hunt? And what do you like most about the platform?
Yasharth Mishra
10 replies
Ekrem Çetinkaya@ekrcet
I just joined yesterday and enjoying a lot so far. It’s unbelievable to have all these inspiraiton for free 🤯
Knit API
I simply love to engage with folks here who like myself involved in product development.
Knit API
@hosseinyazdi totally!
My current streak is 40 days. In PH I love discovering new products and engaging with the community (who knew emojis could be so powerful?!). Plus, who doesn't love a good daily dose of dopamine from upvotes?😜
Knit API
@realvladgolub Ha Ha! We shouldn't miss out on these little doses of dopamine especially when the dopamine rush comes along with new insights 😉
I just joined! But I assume it's awesome to showcase products and services to a large community of early adopters, investors, and potential customers ;)
@yash_knit thanks so much! It's definitely also what you make of it right ;) How do you find it?
Knit API
@leonormontero I am sure you'll find a great deal of value from this community Leonor.