How many products on ProductHunt are acutally genuine successes?
Utkarsh Choudhary
5 replies
Asking this question because of the "community led" approach to appearing in the top few products of the day.
Tanay from Stacks
Sticky - Your notes in the browser
Launching soon!
I would recommend using PH as a way to test the waters, get a few early users, get feedback, etc. Few things that I love about PH:
1. Community - smaller in reality, but it is bigger than what you already have. There are many active users who just want to market their products on PH. I have seen so many people reach out on Twitter and LinkedIn to ask for support, it's insane. If you send 5k messages and connection requests on LinkedIn/Twitter, you will get the top product of the day/week/month.
2. There are a few gems you occasionally find just by being active on PH and surfing. You may find which tools for social media management people are using or which tools to use for promo videos or interactive videos etc.
3. If you get into the top 10 products, or get the top 5 products of the week or month, you are featured in digest emails by PH which may have a much wider reach. Even the users that are not active on PH, will get an email with your product in it. So all is worth it. (Even LinkedIn messages and Twitter, I don't hate them anymore).
If you consider there are 500k users on PH, 10% active = 50k users. If out of this 50K - even 30% are users not selling anything and genuinely interested in trying products, that is 15K users. Out of that, you may have 20% that fits your product in some form = 3K users. (I just made up these numbers to give an idea)
We launched a few days ago where we received 1.5K visits and about 200 users. We are launching another product in 20 days. I didn't know about the digest email, but because we were in the top 10 of the day, we were in the daily digest which gave us an additional boost. So I would say the PH community definitely works and community-led growth will definitely drive your product. Now to capture these, make sure you have systems for getting feedback, support these users, and also learn from these users.
There are many other things you have to do in addition to PH launch to make your product a genuine success. PH may be an acquisition medium, but you and your product are the retainers. Make sure you have the retainer worked out.
Launching soon!
I think you have to look at it as supplementary to your business and another marketing tool to get increased visibility in a really great community.
Launching soon!
@sharmayash 100%
actually, nowadays PH becomes AI trash :) it is such API based "product" approach