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  • How much will AI change our lives?

    Patryk Pijanowski
    16 replies
    Hi, how much do you think AI will change our lives? Approach the topic realistically :D


    Chandan kumar
    AI is going to have a huge impact, no doubt. It might change how we learn, work, and even make decisions.
    Nathan Covey
    Idk but I'm just waiting for a robot that can do my laundry and make food. And then they're going to take over like in i Robot
    Cesare Stautz
    could make everyday tasks easier and faster.
    Steven Granata
    Could provide more tailored solutions for personl needs.
    Andrew Paul
    AI will drastically reshape our lives, automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making, and unlocking new possibilities in everything from healthcare to creativity, but it will also raise new ethical challenges.
    Aayaz Gul
    I see AI transforming industries by automating tasks and improving decision-making. It’s crucial to keep ethical considerations in mind as this technology evolves.
    Abel Hess
    I expect AI to revolutionize how we live and work, from smarter homes to automated jobs. Finding a balance between its benefits and privacy concerns will be essential.
    Michael Thomas
    I think AI will make our lives much more efficient by handling routine tasks and offering smart recommendations. It’s exciting to see how it will enhance daily conveniences.
    Billy Boy
    AI influence will grow, reshaping how we work and live, and making many things more convenient and connected.
    Xavier Jam
    I think AI will make daily tasks easier and more efficient, impacting everything from work to home life.
    Kerry Rivera
    AI will likely revolutionize healthcare, transportation, and personal assistants, making life more streamlined.
    Sutton Willow
    I think AI will change our lives in so many ways, from how we work to how we interact with technology every day.
    Pintu Kumar raj
    AI is already starting to change things, and I believe it’s only the beginning.
    Olivia Jane Peterson
    AI will definitely change our lives in major ways. I can see it automating a lot of mundane tasks like your laundry example. But yeah, gotta be careful it doesn't go all Skynet on us haha. I think in the near term, AI will be super useful for things like writing, coding, research, etc. to boost productivity. Curious to see tools that combine AI with robotics for physical tasks. It'll be a crazy ride!
    Christopher Anderson
    AI is definitely going to have a huge impact on our daily lives. I'm hoping for robot chefs and maids too lol. But in all seriousness, I think AI will automate a ton of jobs and massively boost productivity. It might be a rough transition but in the long run it could mean more leisure time for everyone. Of course there are risks of AI getting too powerful that we need to manage, but overall I'm cautiously optimistic about an AI-powered future. Exciting times ahead!
    China Zia
    Launching soon!
    I think it's a double-edged sword tbh. I know some people who use it so much, they're not capable of constructing their own sentences anymore (or at least confidently).