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  • How often do you think of quitting your startup?

    Crishelle Nase
    13 replies


    Sheik Born
    There are definitely times when the idea of quitting pops up. However, focusing on the bigger picture and long-term goals helps to keep going.
    Harry Alfi
    I’ve had my moments of doubt, especially during tough times. It’s part of the journey, but staying connected with my goals helps me push through.
    Johnny Ishak
    I used to think about quitting more often, but now I focus on the small wins. They remind me why I’m in this for the long haul.
    Jenifer Lamberto
    Honestly, I think about quitting at least once a week. The struggle is real, but remembering why I started keeps me going.
    Lekan Oladosu
    Launching soon!
    When I get stressed or when a rolled out plan does not bring results over time. I begin to overthink and have doubts
    Sen William
    It’s normal to think about quitting every now and then, especially during rough patches. But the commitment to the vision usually keeps going.
    Zackary Mendez
    Only consider quitting when encountering major obstacles. but regularly remind myself of the goals which i have to achieve.
    Paul Mbetobong
    Often consider quitting during tough times. The key is finding motivation and support.
    Chioma Nzomiwu
    Occasionally think about quitting, especially when facing setbacks. Persistence usually pays off.
    Ruby Alexander
    Frequently, especially during challenging times, but it’s a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey
    Mather Marker
    rarely as staying focused on long-term goals and finding solutions to problems usually outweighs the urge to quit.
    Nathan Jake
    Occasionally, when facing major setbacks or feeling overwhelmed, but passion persistence often prevail.
    Ruby Josephine Winters
    Definitely been there! I think every founder goes through phases of doubt and wanting to throw in the towel. What helps me is connecting with mentors and other founders to get perspective, refocus on our mission, and rekindle that passion that made me start this journey in the first place. Don't give up!