How people can use vidBoard

Ashwin Madhavan
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Use Case for Using Personalised videos for customers* vidBoard is an advanced video creation platform that leverages AI technology to generate AI presenter-led videos from 2D front-facing human photos. This unique feature enables businesses to create personalized videos for customers, delivering a highly engaging and customized experience. Here's an example of how vidBoard can be used to create personalized videos for customers: Scenario: Company XYZ is an e-commerce business specializing in personalized gifts. They aim to provide a unique and memorable experience to their customers by incorporating personalized videos into their customer engagement strategy. To achieve this, they leverage vidBoard's AI presenter-led video creation capabilities. 1. Welcome and Onboarding: When a new customer signs up or makes their first purchase, Company XYZ can utilize vidBoard to create a personalized welcome video. By collecting relevant customer information during the registration process, such as name and purchase history, they can incorporate this data into the video creation process. vidBoard's AI technology will then generate an AI presenter-led video message where the presenter, created from the customer's 2D front-facing photo, addresses the customer by name and references their recent purchase. This personalized welcome video creates a warm and engaging introduction, making the customer feel valued and appreciated from the start. 2. Order Confirmations and Updates: After a customer places an order, Company XYZ can send personalized order confirmation videos using vidBoard. By integrating customer data and order details, vidBoard's AI technology generates AI presenter-led videos that mention specific products ordered, delivery dates, and any other relevant information. The presenter in the video, created from the customer's 2D front-facing photo, ensures a personalized experience by addressing the customer by name and providing order-specific details. This approach enhances the customer experience, reduces confusion, and strengthens the brand-customer connection. 3. Special Occasion Greetings: Company XYZ can leverage vidBoard to create personalized videos for customers on special occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries. By incorporating customer data like birth dates or purchase history, vidBoard's AI technology generates AI presenter-led videos that include personalized celebratory messages. The presenter in the video, created from the customer's 2D front-facing photo, delivers a heartfelt greeting tailored to the individual customer. These personalized video greetings can be shared via email or social media platforms, creating a delightful and memorable experience that deepens the customer's relationship with the brand. 4. Upselling and Cross-Selling: vidBoard assists Company XYZ in creating personalized videos to promote upsell or cross-sell opportunities. By leveraging customer purchase history and preferences, vidBoard's AI technology generates AI presenter-led videos that suggest complementary products or upgrades based on the customer's previous purchases. The presenter in the video, created from the customer's 2D front-facing photo, showcases the recommended products and highlights their benefits. This personalized video approach not only provides valuable product recommendations but also demonstrates the business's understanding of the customer's needs and preferences. 5. Customer Support and Issue Resolution: In situations where customers encounter issues or require support, Company XYZ can leverage vidBoard to create personalized videos addressing their concerns. By integrating customer data and support ticket information, vidBoard's AI technology generates AI presenter-led videos in which the presenter, created from the customer's 2D front-facing photo, directly addresses the specific issue or query. These personalized videos showcase a proactive and customer-centric approach to problem-solving, enhancing the overall customer support experience. Benefits: - Enhanced customer engagement: AI presenter-led videos created from 2D front-facing human photos capture customers' attention and deliver a highly engaging experience. - Improved customer satisfaction: Personalized videos tailored to individual customers make them feel valued and understood, resulting in higher satisfaction levels. - Increased brand loyalty: Personalized videos foster a sense of connection and loyalty, as customers appreciate the personalized attention and effort. - Effective communication: AI presenter-led videos provide a visual and auditory medium for conveying information, ensuring better understanding and retention. - Upsell and cross-sell opportunities: Personalized videos recommend products or services that align with customers' preferences and purchase history, driving additional sales. vidBoard's AI presenter-led videos created from 2D front-facing human photos enable businesses like Company XYZ to deliver exceptional and personalized customer experiences. By leveraging customer data and advanced AI technology, they can create engaging videos that resonate with customers on a deeper level.
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