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  • How to create graphics for a Product Hunt launch

    Zara Anita Paul
    40 replies
    Monday 2nd of September, we did our first ever product hunt launch for Choppity. We got to #3 product of the day, even though we only had 10 days to launch. I feel that the graphics of the launch massively contributed to our launch’s success (the community were massively supportive, and it's a lot easier to root for something that you like the look of!) So here are some tips and things we learned when creating our graphics for the launch 1. Size matters How do you use Product Hunt? Do you open up every graphic of every launch page and spend the time to read all the text? Or do you glance over each launch page and delve a little deeper when one has caught your eye? I definitely do the latter. I spent some time just glancing at other launch page graphics and making a note of the ones that a) stood out to me and b) I could actually read and understand at a glance. The two most important components were color and size. Here are some graphics stood out to me: https://imgur.com/gZqrQJd https://i.imgur.com/uXaHIpV.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/3Yna0sK.jpeg (Links and images don’t seem to work on the Android app so please open in desktop or browser to view these. And product hunt doesn't like my links so copy and paste in browser to open!) Note that for the last one, while the purple color stood out to me, I couldn’t read what it said until I clicked on the image, so it was also a good reference for how small too small is. 2. Aspect ratio Product Hunt lets you upload any aspect ratio, but most upload 16x9 aspect ratio graphics. Since these take up more width, we decided to make the first 2 graphics smaller (closer to 5x4 aspect ratio) so that users could see more on screen. We tested this out on an Android app and were happy with it, but, after we launched, this is how they came out on the iPhone app (turns out there’s a reason everyone sticks with 16:9!): https://i.imgur.com/LY79AQ5.jpeg They were cut off at the top and bottom, so we won’t be doing that next time. 3. The video thumbnail is first in browser, but last on mobile phone app. This means that the video thumbnail should look good and be eye-catching enough that if someone is viewing your launch page on desktop, you’re happy with it being the first thing they see, and you need a 1st graphic which works alongside the video thumbnail but that also works without. We agreed that having duplicate content would look strange, so we made our thumbnail a “title page” and our first graphic our “what is it” page. Thumbnail: https://i.imgur.com/1bnTQSG.jpeg What is it/1st graphic: https://i.imgur.com/cvSH8jv.jpeg 4. As little text as possible on each graphic Think about how you ingest graphics and materials on social media and Product Hunt. Personally, if I’m looking to understand something, I want it in bullet points - one liners that tell me quickly what I want to know. If the bullet points have engaged me, then I’ll open up a website, or read a 1st comment to learn more details. So keep your graphics simple, with one headline on each that you want viewers to take away, to convince them to find out more. So those were the learnings from making graphics for my first product hunt launch (which you can see here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/choppity ) I’d love to hear from you if you think I’ve missed anything, or if there’s anything you’d change? A sample size of one launch is obviously very limited :)


    Michael Turner
    Links not working is a bummer! For graphics, Canva is my go-to. Their templates and drag-and-drop editor make it super easy, even if design isn't your forte. Could be worth a shot for your relaunch graphics! 🎨🚀
    Saif Ullah Khalid
    Bubbl Widget
    Launching soon!
    Congrats on the successful launch. It seems like your links are not working on desktop either. 😥
    Zara Anita Paul
    @saif_ullah_khalid thank you Saif! I’ll have to figure this out I think PH doesn’t like my non PH links haha
    Moaz Ahmad
    Launching soon!
    Congrats on getting the 3rd position! Your product features seems quite innovative, wish you best of luck for your weekly position too!
    Nastya Novichikhina
    Thank you very much! We are just launching soon and it was very useful to read it, as we are still thinking about the launch date🫶
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think that this guide should be also documented on some blog – reckon it would have a quite good view/read count. Thanks for sharing, Zara! :)
    Zara Anita Paul
    @busmark_w_nika thank you! Yes I was thinking of making an indie hackers post/putting it on the website :)
    Charlie decouze
    Congrats Zara. You hacve made such a detailed post.
    Carleigh Griffiths
    First launch and you did such an amazing job. Just awesome.
    Ash Carey
    Such useful tips. These are the points most of the people don't bother about.
    Vanessa Smith
    Great work. Your hard work paid you off.
    William Willey
    Great work. What tool did you use to make these graphics?
    Rickon Turner
    Excellent job Zara. Wishing you more success.
    Great tips! Super useful. Congratulations!
    Jospeh Schiffmans
    Great. Such a cool stuff
    Kavya Tripathi
    Zain Ul-abideen
    Download now inshot pro apk without watermark from proinshots.com
    Derek Liu
    Your make me think PH missing an important function: save/bookmark a post!
    Zara Anita Paul
    @derek_liu_dev Yeah totally that's a good idea! We could maybe request it somewhere: @product ? I'll send them an email also :)
    Derek Liu
    @product @zaraanita tbh, I did't know a proper channel to request features here on PH, but it's great you got their email! Let me know if I could help!
    Jackson Reed
    Avoid cluttering with too many elements ; focus on your product's core features.
    Alice Saunders
    Stick to your brand’s color palette to maintain consistency and make your graphics instantly recognizable.
    Safaa Bird
    Use bold colors and interesting designs to grab attention. your graphics should stand out in a feed full of other product.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Woah, such a detailed post. Thanks!