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  • How to feel calm during launches?

    Olena Bomko
    37 replies
    I think it's impossible to be totally calm. But it's better to be excited than nervous. For me, it helps to know that I did my best to prepare for the launch. We'll be live next week. Here's our Teaser https://www.producthunt.com/products/favikon


    John Wisdom
    During launches, it's normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Focus on staying organized, trusting your preparation, and staying flexible to handle any unexpected challenges. Keep your mindset positive and celebrate small wins along the way.
    Morgane Granier
    Wish I knew 😅 I've been tense ever since I've started working on it
    I like tapping to release anxiety. For me I found that this works amazing. Plus, yes, just preparing to it.
    Nikola Djordjevic
    As we like to say – we're cooking the product until it boils over 😄. Excitement means you care, and every launch is a new adventure! The key is knowing you've done your best, and for the tension – a few deep breaths before hitting the 'launch' button can work wonders. Good luck to everyone launching soon!
    Bratislava Veličković
    Staying calm during a launch is like asking a cat not to knock things off the table. Not gonna happen! 😂 But seriously, I love the idea of channeling all that nervous energy into excitement. And when you know you’ve prepped as much as humanly possible, it’s a little easier to kick back and say, ''Alright, let’s see what happens!'' Worst case, if things go off-script, at least you’ll have an interesting story to tell later!
    great questions, i also want to know the answer
    Abhinav Sehgal
    I do not think one can be calm. Because the stakes are high. The moment of truth is just some time away. It will reveal how much right you were in understanding of your product and the need it solves. All your theories are tested. Does not matter how much effort one puts, but if the fit is not there than nothing you can do about it. Except going back to the whiteboard!
    Be prepared, do your best. There will always be things that could be done better,
    Adam Yorke
    Idk but check out Vestr
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    To be honest, I do not have anything for that. Well, the Product Hunt launch would not stress me so much (because it would be not my priority in terms of my own launch) – but I know that when I have other things that I am very passionate about and preoccupied I can be stressed so much. And I can feel good only when I am sure that I did everything well – good preparation, checking it etc. If you are launching soon, I wish you good luck and please, stay with your common senses because it is very energy-consuming. 😅 Fingers crossed. 🤞🙂
    Janu Lingeswaran
    I guess the best thing you can do is enjoying it!! Don't overestimate it and make it bigger in your head than needed. :)
    Viktor Surkov
    “Let It be” by Beatles on repeat😁
    Do the best and wish someting good happen
    Launching soon!
    Same question! 😵 I think it's the mixture of excitement, anxiety, and expectation that makes it super impossible to remain calm down! 😣😣😣 I agree with you that, at the end of the day, everyone has done their best in preparing to launching their product... and once that realisation kicks in, that's when your mind gradually calms down... or so I think 😅
    Kevin D
    Have a walk and stay away from the network.
    Rahul Parmar
    Stay calm during product launches by preparing thoroughly, focusing on what you can control, and trusting your efforts. Embrace the excitement and view challenges as growth opportunities!
    Naresh Meetei
    Staying calm during a launch is like trying to meditate in a room full of hyperactive squirrels who've just discovered a lot of caffeine pills 😂
    Yanlin Wu
    Just relax and let things happen. You've done all you can do before the launch and now the only thing you and your team need to do is to wait for the feedback of your users.
    Vidhi Nagpal
    Totally agree with the idea that excitement and nerves often go hand in hand during launches! For me, it helps to remind myself that no launch is perfect, and any hiccup is just part of the journey. Preparing as much as possible beforehand is key, but after that - it's about enjoying the ride and learning from whatever comes next. Deep breaths and keeping perspective always help!
    Daniel Kuh
    Yep! If you've done all you can, there's nothing else to do but bite your nails and hide in the corner.. haha!