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  • How to Successfully Launch a solo-developed Product on Product Hunt?

    Atsuki Hasegawa
    36 replies
    Hello fellow makers! I've recently developed a product independently, without the backing of a larger company or team, and am considering launching it on Product Hunt. I'd love to gather insights, best practices, and any tips you might have for ensuring a successful launch. Whether you've launched here before or have been an avid observer, all feedback and advice are welcome. Let's discuss!


    Jan Miles
    Develop a narrative that tells the story behind your solo project. Share what inspired you to create it and what problem it solves. Make it personal and relatable.
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @jan_miles Definitely! It's indeed captivating when the maker shares the story behind the product in the comments.
    Stefan Pettersson
    I've recently done a solo-launch, and as the first thing I would say is to consider what it is you want to achieve with your PH launch. E.g. is it to get general feedback on what people think of the product (even if they're not testing out), is it the key event in your go-to-market strategy (then it really should be a product where the target audience overlaps with PH users), or is it more of a fun thing - like a symbolic ritual in your project's indiehacking journey? Ranking high on PH, IMHO, is achieved by two things. Either you have a big brand and the product you are launching is mindbogglingly good - basically the kind of product that a few years later is a unicorn. Or - as in 99% of the cases - you build up a large network of PH users through LinkedIn and other platforms, and rally them all together to upvote your project. Unfortunately I think upvotes has little to do with the actual quality of a product. It is more a game of its own. Never the less - make the best out of the launch. It is some extra traffic and exposure. It may potentially contribute a little to SEO. It may be picked up by someone that actually overlaps with your target audience and then go about posting it in a more niche community, etc.
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @stpe Thank you for the feedback! Insights from someone experienced like you are invaluable! Indeed, considering the purpose is essential, yet I found myself getting caught up in the minutiae like "how-tos." Given my objectives, there might be other priorities I should focus on rather than networking on LinkedIn to gather upvotes on PH.
    Shirley Ward
    Launching a solo-developed product on Product Hunt can be a rewarding way to gain exposure and gather feedback. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to successfully launch your product on Product Hunt: 1. Prepare Your Product: * Ensure your product is fully developed, functional, and ready for public use. * Test it thoroughly to fix any bugs or issues. * Create an appealing and user-friendly interface. 2. Create a Product Hunt Account: * Sign up for a Product Hunt account if you don't have one already. 3. Engage with the Product Hunt Community: * Spend some time on Product Hunt before your launch to familiarize yourself with the community. * Upvote, comment, and engage with other products and makers.
    Stefan Pettersson
    @shirley_ward That is a very ChatGPT like contribution of yours.
    Maksym Skrypka
    I recommend reading the post from @olenabomko. She has successful launches on PH, so her recommendations are valuable https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @olenabomko @maksym_skrypka Thank you for the valuable tip! If you have any other specific recommendations, especially for solo-makers, I'd love to hear them!
    Jake Harrison
    Make more friends and more engagements
    Semyon Fridman
    Launching solo is indeed a commendable effort. As someone deeply involved in AI and automation, I'd recommend integrating AI tools that can automate and handle tasks typically done by humans. This not only streamlines your operations but also adds a unique selling point to your product. Have you considered any AI integrations for your launch?
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @remilittle Thanks for your suggestion! I'm curious about what you specifically mean by "AI integration.". So, Could you provide some examples or use cases? Also, I'd love to hear about your favorite AI integration product. It would be great reference as I explore how to incorporate it into my project.
    Semyon Fridman
    @atsuki it might be an OpenAI Playground setting designed for grammar checks or generating posts from your past data. We're gearing up to release our product soon, which offers pre-designed templates, eliminating the need to craft prompts every time.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    Dedicate your whole day (maybe even much of the week) to communicating and engaging and being hyper active.
    Engaging with the community here is a great start! Make sure to make connections cross-channels so that the bond is stronger
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @lisakim Thanks! Are there any other channels to consider besides LinkedIn?
    hayato onodera
    I think it is important to be persistent in making announcements to active users!
    Keita Mitsuhashi
    Good discussion! I put my side projects multiple times besides my company ones, I think it's really important to launch as many as possible, rather than doing perfect one shot.
    Yuki Ogino
    Good luck, will support you!
    Kennedy James
    I'd recommend building a strong pre-launch buzz.
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @kennedy_jamess Thank you! I'm not sure about the meaning of "pre-launch buzz." Does it refer to the buzz on other social media platforms before the launch?
    Joyce Parker
    A successful Product Hunt launch often requires persistence and active engagement with the community. Building a reputation and network on the platform can also improve your chances of a successful solo product launch.
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @joyce_parker I've received similar opinions from many, and I've come to realize how truly important that is! Thank you!
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    Here's a summary of what I've found particularly beneficial so far! I hope it's helpful for you. I'm grateful to everyone who participated in the discussion! - Consider the purpose. What do you aim to achieve with the Product Hunt launch? - Share your story. Why did you create it, and what problem are you trying to solve? Make sure to convey this to the Hunter. - Engage actively with the community. It's beneficial to do so across multiple channels, not just PH. - Just take the plunge and launch. Don't aim for perfection right from the outset; gather experience.
    Gina Lane
    To successfully launch a solo-developed product on Product Hunt: 1. Prepare your product and create a compelling landing page. 2. Build a network and engage with the Product Hunt community. 3. Optimize your Product Hunt profile. 4. Choose the right date and time for your launch. 5. Create eye-catching media and a captivating description. 6. Plan your launch post and share it with your network. 7. Engage actively on Product Hunt, answering questions and thanking supporters. 8. Promote your launch on other channels. 9. Monitor and respond to feedback. 10. Build momentum and continue engagement with the community.
    Anthony Bernardus
    Ensure your product is fully functional and polished. It should provide value to users and have a clear purpose. Create a compelling landing page or website for your product with detailed information about its features and benefits. Test your product rigorously to eliminate any bugs or usability issues. Before your launch, start building a community around your product. Engage with potential users on social media, forums, and other relevant platforms. Gather a list of potential supporters who can help you during the launch by upvoting, commenting, and sharing. After your launch, don't forget to keep the momentum going. Continue engaging with users and potential customers.
    Saif Ahmed
    You can go through launch guides from the "Community" tab for basic ideas. When it comes to solo-launch, the best practice is to be consistent about every user opinions, feedback and appreciations to your product. Another pro-tip: Try to engage the community discussions to strengthen your presence in product hunt. Good luck!
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @craniax Thank you for your helpful advice! I'm going to read the launch guides. To be consistent... That sounds really good advice to me.
    Andrii Shekhirev
    Thanks for creating this thread @atsuki - just what I needed for the future launch of my indie product :)
    Bartlomiej Tyrpien
    Thanks for this thread! Definitely helps with launching my product in the near future!
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @bartlomiej_tyrpien Thank you for your comment! By the way, what kind of product are you planning to launch in the near future?
    I launched on June 13th and our product became the product of the day. I've shared a summary of the things we cared about, and I'm sharing it again. https://slashpage.com/e/ph-launc...
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    @elly_sp That's really helpful...!! And the page created by SlashPage looks cool! I think this helps other makers a lot. thank you so much!