How would you describe PH to someone who has never heard about this platform? ๐Ÿ˜€

Anytime I mention the Product Hunt to my friends โ€“ they stare at me like a goat at parsley. ๐Ÿ˜€ (The same applies when I try to explain to my family that I am a marketer.) What's the best way to introduce PH?


Jade Grimwood
"A goat at parsley" - there's a new phrase ๐Ÿ˜‚ I think of PH as a community of people who love building and trying new products / tools. It is a place to share and learn - with the best there is in tech!
Business Marketing with Nika
@jade_grimwood I remember my friend using this phrase when he was speaking about Math classes at secondary school. It was so accurate because many of us didn't have a clue what happened on that blackboard. :DDDD Regarding explanation PH โ€“ you are right. I wouldn't describe it better.
Suchal Bojamma
I totally get it ๐Ÿฅฒ Especially for those in non-tech roles, it can be tricky to explain. I tell them: Product Hunt is like elections, except for the politics ๐Ÿ˜œ. Companies list their products, and supporters vote. It's like a daily competition to find the next big thing.
Business Marketing with Nika
@suchalbojamma This is neat :D Like that politics parallel (without politics). ๐Ÿ˜… I will try to use it next time.
Business Marketing with Nika
@suchalbojamma Guys, How can I give this comment a badge? :D I need there this feature :D
Suchal Bojamma
@busmark_w_nika or maybe you could help us get the top product badge instead ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ™ˆ
Business Marketing with Nika
@suchalbojamma I am tuned in. Why pyjamas btw? :D naming.
My3 Murthy
@suchalbojamma Me likes! This is a creative & clear way to explain the platfrom. Stealing it!
Kate Ramakaieva
Platfrom where new cool products meet the world โœจ
Business Marketing with Nika
@kate_ramakaieva Yeah, that's how I perceive this platform + cool people are there :)
Suchal Bojamma
@busmark_w_nika agreed!!! People on PH are extremely nice & supportive.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@kate_ramakaieva Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us. (
Milli Sen
A platform where all the cool founders hang out
Business Marketing with Nika
@millisen So in one single sentence. PH is a cool place. :)
Umar Saleem
A platform where new and exciting products are introduced to the world, competing for better visibility to attract traffic and boost sales.
Business Marketing with Nika
@umar_saleem This is the fact. I am informed about the latest technology sooner from this platform than from media and news :D even with AI โ€“ that was the case. I revealed the technology on PH and then in media :D
Umar Saleem
@busmark_w_nika This is something i love about PH Every time someone asks why I keep coming back, I totally blank on the perfect answer. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
Gyula Rusinczky
@umar_saleem Spot on!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
You can say, Product Hunt is a platform where new-age technology products are listed and people hangout there to talk about those products, new technologies, strategies, and everything in between. (Secretly, I don't like the fact that people can't chat here. But, okay, it's working for most.)
Business Marketing with Nika
@vertikanigam I think that chatting is disabled because of a herd of people asking for upvotes :D but comment section is fine to have a public convo :)
@busmark_w_nika Oh, okay. Comment section is great, love the genuine interaction here. (Let's ignore the AI comments)
Business Marketing with Nika
@vertikanigam I do not ignore them โ€“ they are a good source of inspiration for MEMEs :D
@busmark_w_nika Cannot disagree here
Alex AI
Kickstarter for AI tools/SaaS products.
Business Marketing with Nika
@byalexai This is also a good parallel (but I am afraid of then I need to explain to people what is a Kickstarter ๐Ÿ˜€)
Alex AI
@busmark_w_nika Kickstarter for AI tools is for some people who are familiar with Kickstarter. For other ones - Product Hunt is a marketplace for new software. (For older family members)
Business Marketing with Nika
@byalexai this is much better. Many people around me (especially family members) are not in tech so I have to be very careful what I say. :D
Yernar Akim
Launching soon!
Itโ€™s like a university community/club for new tech nerds but digital
Business Marketing with Nika
@yernar_a if it was university, I'd be a nerd ๐Ÿค“ (like for real)
Pablo Rodrรญguez Aracil
It's an addictive website where people can launch their products, and you can start a discussion of whatevere you want. Special focus on addictive. In my opinion, the best way to describe it is when you try it.
Business Marketing with Nika
@pablo_rodriguez_aracil Addictive! This is a must-have word in the intro! :D Agree with that.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@pablo_rodriguez_aracil Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us. (
Nick Zemlyanskiy
PH is a friendly startup community, where you can introduce your product, find and give support and motivation. All of these are packed in a nice interface (don't you worry kid, it's better than reddit))
Business Marketing with Nika
@klauss_zee yep, and we do not have the downvote button :D
Mohamed Lotfi Sassi
Startup community where you can innovate and launch products.
Business Marketing with Nika
@mohamed_lotfi_sassi the best place where you find everything you need for your future self :)
My3 Murthy
I explain it as Reddit for new product launches! Mostly works!
Business Marketing with Nika
@my3_murthy Could work. But I need to customize it a bit. In my country Reddit is not so used by people :D
Elias Ari
Launching soon!
I would probably say that it is a platform where users discover, share, and discuss new tech products and startups.
Sarah Mooney
where the techies comes out to play
Nitin Joshi
I would say PH is Playstore (Android) or App store (Apple) of software developers. ๐Ÿ˜
Business Marketing with Nika
@nitin_joshi I like how you play with wording :D
Andreas Sohns
I would describe Product Hunt as a community where you can discover and share latest tech products and innovations. It's like a launchpad for new ideas where makers and enthusiasts come together.
Business Marketing with Nika
@andreas_sohns I think this is pretty accurate and I usually describe it almost like this! :)
A community of founders and marketers where the only option for everything you is is "UP" - no negativity, just positive human reinforcement of your ideas and great feedback :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@shownotes I like the idea of uplifting each other. That's why I like this platform. No shaming, just uplifting :)
@busmark_w_nika I have shifted 90%of my networking efforts to PH. I used to hang out on X. Here is how I would summarize the popular social media: IG - Look at me! FB - Here is what I ate for lunch! X - They are going to kill us all! LI - "Hello Kabir, I noticed you haven't changed your CEO job for 22 years. We have got a new position for you as VP of Engineering at Teenager.IO." PH - Hey, what are you going to work on this weekend?
Business Marketing with Nika
@shownotes I think that for my country it is almost the same but the order is like: IG: Here is what I ate for lunch! FB: Conspiracy theories X: What is this? I do not know this platform LI: Hey, jump to a quick call. PH: What is thisยฒ โ€“ so I have chosen this one because there is my sort of people :D with mindset I prefer.
Product Hunt (PH) is a vibrant online community and platform that serves as a discovery hub for innovative products, apps, and startups. It's like a treasure trove where users can find the latest tech gadgets, tools, and services curated by a community of enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and industry experts.
Kshetez Vinayak
This is so relatable๐Ÿ˜“ For friends i just say: This is insta for developers. Instead of your pics you post your products and get likes and comments. To my parents: I just say this is just work
Business Marketing with Nika
@kshetez_vinayak :DDDDD just work :D just something that pays my bills :D
Daniel Zaitzow
Gamified chatrooms for nerds who like to geek out / talk about their projects.
Business Marketing with Nika
@dzaitzow I have never been so proud of the word a nerd :D
Daniel Zaitzow
@busmark_w_nika Nerd is a right of passage on this platform haha