How would you describe your product to a 5-year-old, a student, and an expert in your field?

Maya Ben Zid
1 reply
Lately, I'm doing a lot of writing about my product (launching this week on Product Hunt: and I'm wondering how to explain it in different levels of complexity. How would you, fellow makers, go about explaining your project to a 5-year-old, a high school student, and an expert? I'd love to read your ideas.


Sudheer Bandaru
This is how I would explain Insightly, which we launched today (, to a - 5 year old - It helps engineers work faster & better High school student - It helps software developers build better software faster, and improve their productivity Expert - Actionable insights to improve speed, throughput & quality of releases. Good luck with your launch, Maya! Curious to know how you would explain your product to these 3 demographics.