How would you spend the last 24 hours of your life?


AndrΓ© J
Launching soon!
I would ask GPT. Like I do with everything else 😬. Certainly, here is how you should spend your last breathing hours on this earth start by.... πŸ˜…
Business Marketing with Nika
@sentry_co If it would reflect what you really want (besides of more time), why not :D
Konrad S.
I'd try not do die. But if I really knew I'd die anyway? Would depend on the circumstances. Have you seen ?
Business Marketing with Nika
@konrad_sx No, but opened it in the browser and it looks like another movie I am about to watch. πŸ‘πŸ˜€ lol, I will never have completed my work. In Time is quite a good movie about time.
Konrad S.
@busmark_w_nika Yes you have to see Kate :) I've seen In Time, REALLY interesting idea, but I didn't like the characters much (other than the Timekeeper)
Business Marketing with Nika
@konrad_sx Thanks for the tip, I will check it out. I also like those genres when places, characters and maybe time-frames are connected in some way. Something like Cloud Atlas
Konrad S.
@busmark_w_nika I like that too. I'll check out Cloud Atlas then. Solaris is also something like that.
Business Marketing with Nika
@konrad_sx Oh my god, another binge-watching week. πŸ˜€
Tiep Vu
Commenting and preparing for our launch this May 8. What about you?
Business Marketing with Nika
@tiepvuvan :D aaa you would reanimated to zombie, gotcha. :D I do not know, but as I know myself, it would be nothing or I would do something fu*king crazy that would shorten my 24-hour limit. πŸ˜€
Tiep Vu
@busmark_w_nika Haha, hey, gotta make sure things go smoothly even in the afterlife, right? Speaking of smooth, the launch actually went live a few hours ago! Everything seems to be running great so far. πŸ˜„
In the last 24 hours of my life, I'd focus on sharing my most impactful marketing lessons and strategies with upcoming entrepreneurs, ensuring my knowledge creates a lasting legacy. It's about making those final hours count by empowering others to build their dreams with confidence.
Tim Yang
In the final 24 hours of my life, I'd choose to disconnect from all digital distractions and spend quality time with my loved ones, cherishing every moment. Simultaneously, I'd reflect on the impact of my work in business marketing, hoping it inspired innovation and growth in others.
Peter Hansen
I'd eat chocolate and drink champagne, nothing very deep.
Peter Hansen
@busmark_w_nika The Truth is that I can eat chocolate and drink champagne without having to die. You should always strive to be happy, though it might not always be possible.
Konrad S.
@trumpeter I completely disagree. When you're dead all the happiness you may have had before isn't worth anything anymore. I'd do something that counts AFTER I'm dead, for me and for others.
Peter Hansen
@konrad_sx You have a point, only that when there are 24 hours left, it's very limited what you can do for others
Business Marketing with Nika
@trumpeter It sounds like you would be happy! :D
Konrad S.
@trumpeter That you can't do much is not in itself a reason to do nothing.
LaunchingπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ how about you Nika✨
Business Marketing with Nika
@heyalbert be with relatives + do something crazy :D
Julie Su
Planning my own funeral as if I was about to travel.
Business Marketing with Nika
@julie_su I know this might seem a bit dark, but what would your ideal funeral look like? :D
Anton Gera
I'll sleep and then will have some Jack Daniels