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  • I am thinking of making a fitness "platform"

    4 replies
    Hello, I've had an idea and I would love to hear your opinion on it, to see if it is worth working on it. I am thinking of a platform for people that workout/go to the gym connect. Basically find a gym partner or a trainer. People would create their account (a profile with their name and picture), give their information, like how long they've been working out, what type of training they are into, what gyms do they go to, their experience... and by that platform would find and recommend people they could workout with. Of course, there would be security measures for people's information, so people can't just find your location, gym and how you look and stalk you or something. Same goes for trainers, they would create their profiles and have to verify that they are trainers, and they would get recommended to regular users. I wanted maybe to include gyms too, so people could select an area on the map for example, and get gyms for them in that area. I haven't thought too much about that, but I believe there is even more ways to include gyms. There would be messaging and review system, so, for example, after you workout with someone you can rate that person. Same would go for trainers and gyms. There would, of course, be a lot of other features and, if it works, a lot of upgrades, but this is the basis. P.S. sorry if this isn't the perfect pitch for the platform, I thought it's fine to write it in more of a natural way and so formal. thank you in advance!


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    Martyn Sadler
    P2P workout marketplace, sounds great!
    Aris Nakos
    Sounds like a promising idea. Marketing will be interesting.