I laughed out loud when I watched it 🀣

Simona O'Neill
1 reply
Fridays are for fun and laughter, so I hope that this will put a smile on your face too!πŸ‘‡ I tend to come out with the weirdest ideas sometimes, and my teammate Lorenz just goes with it and makes it happen.πŸ˜… So I asked him yesterday to make a fun video incorporating a cat. Something like a cat poping up and saying "Catvid is coming soon on Product Hunt ", but then correcting that it's actually "CANVID" and not "CATVID". Soooo, that's what he came up with 🀣🀣🀣. Love you so much @lorenz_cruz! https://youtu.be/ePsutw9iw2E?


I think it is actually normal behavior.