I previously had mid-8 figure exit. AMA

Brandon Maddick
2 replies
Company was a B2B SaaS NLP company. We exited in 2019. Afterward I went to McKinsey and am now working on my first B2C project. I'm happy to answer any questions about building and growing a B2B SaaS company. AMA


That's awesome. I have a ton of questions 1. Was it bootstrapped? If not, how much total funding / over how may rounds do you raise? 2. How are you balancing work at McKinsey and your B2C (or if you quit McKinsey what was ur run rate)? 3. How did you discover the opportunity for your NLP SaaS? How did you go about acquiring first customers & then acquiring at scale? Appreciate it Brandon!
Brandon Maddick
@yukioyama I somehow just saw this. I have to get better at my Product Hunt game. These are fantastic questions. Okay so (1) it was not bootstrapped. We raised 1.5M. One round (+ some early angel investing) (2) I quit McKinsey and picked up a MUCH less demanding tech role. It's slightly worse pay but is more than enough to live on and gives me time to work on my own things. (3) This was unbelievably hard. I basically struggled for a year to find the right PMF. We had the tech, but weren't able to package it in a way that folks would pay for it until we understood EVERYTHING about their business. We had to understand it backward and forward. We had to understand what the ICs cared about, the Managers, and the VPs and be able to pitch to each one. Acquiring first customers took some deals and discounts and customization. But that customization eventually transformed into productization and something that we could establish reliable pipelines on. I can go into this in more depth if helpful