Icons: Aesthetic vs. Functionality – Which Matters More?

Salim Lunat
2 replies
Hey Product Hunters! We’re gearing up for the launch of Iconstica, offering top-tier icon packs for designers, developers, and creators. We’re curious: **💡 Discussion Points: Aesthetics vs. Usability: What’s more important for you, visual appeal or clarity? Context: How does the project type influence your choice between looks and functionality? Examples: Share icons that hit the sweet spot for both beauty and usability. **🔗 **Check us out: https://iconstica.com Excited to hear your thoughts!


Ditarth Desai
Functionality matters more. Icons must be clear and easy to understand. Aesthetic appeal is secondary.
Apurva Desai
Balancing aesthetics and functionality depends on context. For navigation, clarity is crucial, but for branding, aesthetics might take the lead. Icons should ideally blend both for optimal user experience.