Idea or Execution? 🤔
Bernard Badó
6 replies
What's more important in your opinion?
Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
Execution almost every time
Execution for sure!
Task Manager for ClickUp
The execution of an idea is always the most important part of any project. In the case of a business, for example, a good idea is just the beginning. Executing on that idea is where the real work comes in. The first thing to do when you get an idea is to write it down. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure that you are not forgetting anything. Next, you need to talk to as many people as you can who might be able to help you with your idea. I want to improve my essay skills and for this I am to Create an Outline of those things which are compulsory in that case.