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  • If you could change one thing about your first Product Hunt launch, what would it be?

    Bilal Asif
    31 replies
    Launching a product on Product Hunt can be a thrilling yet challenging experience. I'm curious—what changes would you make if you could go back and tweak your first Product Hunt launch? Was it your approach, your messaging, or maybe even your launch timing? Share your experiences and insights!


    Alex AI
    I would work with someone who had done a launch. There are things that only experienced people can tell you.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @byalexai so you suggest to consider having a hunter for the launch?
    Alex AI
    @bilalasif Not definitely a hunter. It could be a Product Hunt Launch ageny. Or someone who has launched several times. Or someone who is active on the platform. Or a hunter.
    aliza beth
    I would definitely focus more on engaging with the community beforehand. It seems like building relationships early on could really help.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @aliza_beth3 that is something i have been putting most of my focus upon since the day i joined thanks for the advice its the most important thing i agree with
    Michael Gonzalez
    I’d definitely spend more time refining my Coming Soon page. It’s the first impression, so making it perfect would be a priority.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @michael_gonzalez6 hmm isnt the actual product hunt launch page your coming soon page as well?
    Samson Idegwu
    If I could change one thing, I’d have started preparing my assets earlier. It felt like a last-minute scramble, which wasn’t ideal.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @samson_idegwu this is something i am myself realising these days for the coming soon page this is a tough situation i agree
    Aarav Krishna
    I’d definitely spend more time refining our pitch. I realized too late that a clear, compelling pitch can make a huge difference in how your product is received.
    Ismaila Adamu
    I wish I had engaged more with the community on launch day. Answering comments and participating in discussions earlier could have created more interest and feedback.
    Hannah Travis
    I would have prioritized creating more high-quality visuals and demo content. First impressions matter, and having polished media could have made a big and nice impact.
    Jabari Zuri
    When I launched PhotoPacks.ai it was in beta stage so my product never got featured and I lost the opportunity to show it to more people, If I could I would have changed this.
    I'd treat the first release with even more care and ensure thorough preparation.
    Yahya Rogers
    Looking back, I’d focus more on building anticipation before the launch. Engaging with potential users ahead of time could have made a big diffrence
    jonah muye
    I’d definitely spend more time refining the messaging. Clear, concise communication about the product’s value could have improves the response
    Felicia Singleton
    if i could change one thing,it would be better timing. Launching t peak time might have helped us rech Larger audience
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @felicia_singleton you mean 12:01 am PST?
    Ramlal Thakur
    I’d spend more time building anticipation before the launch
    Vincent Fisher
    I would reach out to influencer's earlier for support
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @vincent_fisher they do charge a lot right?
    Aisha Kabir
    I have prepared more engaging content for the launch day
    Ruth Funmilayo
    @bilalasif I’d have prepared more supporting materials, like demos or FAQs. Having these ready would have addresesd questions faster and potentially improved our launch’s impact.
    Kabiru Aliyu
    I’d choose a better launch timing to reach more of our target audience.
    Dima Tryhubenko
    Tingl Anti-Messenger
    Tingl Anti-Messenger
    Getting my team more engaged and active on the platform through clearly communicating the potential benefits
    Isaak Smart
    I haven't launched my app yet but would love to get some insider tips on what best to focus on pre-launch. I'm trying to engage with the community by posting on discussions like this more often.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @isaak_smart Same here Isaak, will be launching soon this month. Your support would mean a lot. In my experience, best way to a successful pre launch is creating buzz about your product and making people aware as of what your product is and what it can do. Also, engaging with the community is the biggest key here. The community really is great and supportive. All the best to you on your launch. Will support for sure.
    Willow Evangeline Harlow
    Definitely should have focused more on community engagement prior to launch. Building those relationships early seems key. Maybe using some of the AI writing tools like Jasper.ai or Claude to help craft thoughtful comments and posts to connect with the PH community would have been smart.