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  • If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?

    Raphael Salaja
    133 replies


    Jen Fox
    Man! this was so hard... Strava, Whoop & Maps
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @jennifersafox How does Whoop work?
    Jen Fox
    @raf_underscore Whoop is a fitness, recovery and sleep tracker with an AI coach. Its replaced my apple watch and Ora ring completely. I like having my biometrics readily available.
    Aaron O'Leary
    Oh tough one! I'd have to choose Tidal, Shazam and WhatsApp, they are my most used ones. Probably a good idea to get rid of things like TikTok and such at least for a while I guess 😅
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @aaronoleary Was not expecting to see so much Shazam picks, that surprised me 😆
    Aaron O'Leary
    @raf_underscore Probably my second most used app after Tidal! Can thank it for building a lot of my playlists!
    Leyla Aliyeva
    I'd keep Telegram, WhatsApp and Shazam:)) the rest I don't even use it....
    Neha Dadhich
    AppLogger by PLG Works
    Other than the system and already provided apps, I have 3 apps only (which are very important for me) due to storage issues. Feeling happy that even having storage issues and less amount of apps can also be sometimes a good situation.
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @neha_dadhich Yes I agree, most phones nowadays comes preloaded with apps that will never be used. It would be nice to just have the essentials.
    Florian Hidayat
    haha, this is such a thought-provoking question. As long as we kept a browser we can still access most of our other apps though.
    Sushil Sharma
    A tough decision but I will keep Gmail, Slack, and Whatsapp.
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @sushil_sharma2 How useful is slack for you?
    Maksym Astakhov
    Telegram Monobank AirAlert
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @maksym_astakhov What's AirAlert? I've never heard of it.
    Maksym Astakhov
    @raf_underscore it alerts Ukraine civilians about Russian air strike with missiles and it saves my life as i'm running underground:( Hope you will never install it.
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @maksym_astakhov I wish you all the best, my prayers go out to you 🙏
    Whatsapp, youtube and snapchat
    Brenna Donoghue
    Ooooh that's tough. Whatsapp Gmail Strava
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @brenna_donoghue Strava is a unique pick, do you mainly use it for cycling?
    Brenna Donoghue
    @raf_underscore What can I say... I'm addicted?! They are brilliant at what they do. I mostly use it for running and swimming, but also for staying connected with my community of people who like to do similar things.
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @evgeniyyakubovckiy You wouldn't take spotify?
    Evgeniy Yakubovskiy
    @raf_underscore I can live by listening to the radio 😆 But I can't imagine my life without messengers and gmail 😎
    Hassan | shirejr.eth
    I thought about it and I can't pick 3.
    spotify whatsapp chrome
    WhatsApp, Twitterrific and Safari (is this cheating, heh heh?)
    Telegram Monobank Insta. CFA Home
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @mylowesguide How does monobank work?
    Johannes Meyer
    Instagram, Spotify and Whatsapp. Gotta listen to music whilst connecting with the world.
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @johannes_meyer1 What sort of music do you listen to?
    Johannes Meyer
    @raf_underscore from electronic to hiphop to jazz - anything. What about you?
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    Webull, Discord, Chase, Gmail, and maybe YouTube
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @richw What's Webull and Chase if you don't mind me asking?
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @raf_underscore Webull is my brokerage for trading stocks. Chase is my banking app 😂😂
    Kate Dalessi
    intereting question! I think It'd be camera, a browser and a messenger (probably whatsapp)
    Aline Utiyama
    I would keep WhatsApp, Slack and Story Park(Can't miss seeing the pictures of my son's activities at school every day, it's super cute)😄🥰👶.
    Launching soon!
    If I have to keep only three, I will keep WhatsApp, My banking App & Chrome.
    I'd keep books, maps and camera app
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    @payam_saremi What books are you currently reading?
    @raf_underscore Currently reading "Six Easy Pieces" of Feynman , How about you?