If you weren't building a startup/product right now, what would you be doing instead?

Martin Balle
6 replies
Realistically, and a dream of yours. - Realistically I would probably be back in the agency game building products for other people. - If I were to dream I would go travel and start studying screenwriting while on the road.


Wassim 🐨
Doing my 9-5 programming job at another boring company.
Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
Working at another startup!
Gaurav Parvadiya
I would have joined other startups as a CTO or VP of Product.
Krishna Kumar
farming. Seriously
Richard Gao
Probably nothing really haha Startup keeps my mind occupied
Jonayed Tanjim
HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
hooh! can't even think of my life without building anything!