If you work from home, what keeps you productive and organised?

Alexandra Goss
21 replies
I sometimes find it hard to switch between personal to-do things and client work, and still looking for ways to optimise my routine As a freelancer, I don't have to be present during any particular hours, and I love that flexibility. But it can be counter-productive to do not have any concrete commitments How do you go about it?


Marie-Philippe Leblanc
So obviously there are different things. A routine and well balanced lifestyle helps staying focused! I used to plan my day out by hour
Willow Evangeline Harlow
Having a dedicated workspace helps me stay productive when WFH. I block off focused work time on my calendar, use a Pomodoro timer to stay on track, and have a morning routine to transition into work mode. Regular breaks to stretch or grab coffee keep me energized. At the end of the day, I review what I got done and plan for tomorrow to maintain momentum. It's all about creating structure and healthy habits. Hope this gives you some ideas to try out!
Hitha Boorla
Set up a work environment without your home that is distinct. It is tempting and easy for people to get too comfortable at home, you can work from your bed, entertain distractions, as long as the job gets done. But then you risk losing productivity and discipline. It takes some effort but it is possible to create a work environment. Maybe its a desk, an ergonomic chair. Try to minimize distractions even when nobody's looking.
Andrea Vannelli
Trying to have a constant routine, it helps me!
I rely heavily on Asana to keep my tasks organized.
I find that using a Pomodoro timer keeps me focused and productive throughout the day.
Alexandra Goss
@elenor hate Pomodoro with passion lol biut agree 100% on finding something that keeps you productive
James Chappel
A dedicated home office space is key for me.
Phyllis Brooks
I stay organized by setting daily and weekly goals.
Olive Loren
I use Notion to keep track of my projects and tasks.
Maximo Hartliness
A quick workout during lunch keeps my energy levels up.
Mary Mayo
I schedule all my tasks in Google Calendar, including breaks. It helps me manage my time effectively.
Mitchell Marshall
Using a whiteboard to list my daily tasks keeps me organized. It’s satisfying to erase tasks as I complete them.
Luke Nick
I make sure to have a clutter-free workspace. It helps me stay focused and reduces distractions.
Luke Wright
I start my day with a to-do list. Prioritizing my tasks keeps me on track throughout the day.
Albama Linn
I have a separate designated place which I have decorated with some office like stuff.
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, the eternal struggle of balancing personal tasks and client work while working from home! It's like juggling code without any syntax errors - definitely a challenge worth optimizing for maximum productivity!