Instagram not to-do list

Just a little reminder you shouldn't: πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Stress about "unfollowers". πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Worry about what your friends think. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Care about what you look like in videos. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Spend hours trying to perfect your post. Here’s what you should worry about instead: ✨ having a system for attracting your ideal clients, ✨ creating a system for converting your followers to clients, ✨ having a killer sales strategy.


George Kalandadze
Love this! adding one more to the "should worry about section" BE CONSISTENT. Can't stress enough how important consistency is on all social platforms, especially instagram.
Business Marketing with Nika
@george_kalandadze How often do you post (Stories, Reels, regular posts/carousels)? Just want to know. :-)
George Kalandadze
@busmark_w_nika 2 Carousels, 3/5 Reels, 1 regular post, 7-15 Stories. Posting 6 days a week. I found that Sundays are dead days, so use that time to strategize and plan out the upcoming week. Emphasis on Reels and Stories.
Business Marketing with Nika
@george_kalandadze That is interesting. For me, weekends are one the best times to post. I also experienced more impression during the summer in my country (Slovakia) and I am also surprised because it was without running the ads.
George Kalandadze
@busmark_w_nika huh, that is interesting! Might be the niche difference?
Business Marketing with Nika
@george_kalandadze I create content about social media, marketing, etc. What is your niche?
Robert Katai
πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Stress about the performance of hashtags πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Obsess about what's the next trend πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Be concerned about who is watching your stories πŸ’β€β™€οΈBe consumed by always delivering high-quality content. And here is how I'm dealing with it 1. I don't care about the performance because it's not driving any results. 2. In a world were everybody is doing videos, why not doing some visuals 3. I don't care who is watching my stories - i only cares about who is engaging with me in comments 4. Sometimes, even bad content can drive some good results.
Business Marketing with Nika
@katairobi Thank you for sharing your POV. Many people out there should know that content creation is not easy and can affect our mental health. Despite of that, we should stay strong and self-confident.
Robert Katai
@busmark_w_nika Yes, that's why I designed this visual as a simple reminder for many of us:
Nick Anisimov
Thanks, Nika. Agree.
Oleg Eltsov
Thanks! This is true.
Frank Hernandez
Thanks for sharing this @busmark_w_nika , really helpful.
Martin Baun
I can see that Instagram can be used too as a marketing source. I've never used it or had any plans to use it, but if you tell me it can make a difference, I'll definitely start using it. And I love the tips you just shared. Please tell me: Should I start using instagram for my online platforms ?
Business Marketing with Nika
@tigerteamx You should if you want to increase the number of potential customers. If there is your target group, go for it!
James Sukosd
Worrying about what your friends/acquaintances think is so much harder to do. I struggled with this and sometimes still do but I always try to remember that whether I post or don't post, someone somewhere will always have a comment
Business Marketing with Nika
@james_sukosd Yes, for some people you will not be good enough. Never. The most important is to be enough for yourself and to be the best version of yourself.
Jagtar Singh
Fully agree Become an Action Taker rather than a Perfectionist
Business Marketing with Nika
@jagtarsingh2 I used to be a perfectionist, but I rather converted my approach to being a doer. I would have never been started if I had been the same.
Prashasti Pankaj
100% agreed. Having clients should be the end goal
Business Marketing with Nika
@prashasti_pankaj Honestly, I created my IG because of boredom. It was a kind of psycho-hygiene for me. But I did not expect, that I will be selling my services or I meet so many people I undergo so many adventures with. I am so thankful for that.
Kyle DeSana
I'd also recommend answering your questions/comments. Consumer perspectives and expectations have shifted dramatically over the last 5 years. If somebody asks a question, they EXPECT an answer. People appreciate personalized conversations from their brands.
Business Marketing with Nika
@kyle_desana I agree, Kyle, but if your audience is too big, you should hire a community manager that will do the work. Let's be honest. It is a full-time job that requires time if the answer should make sense.
Kyle DeSana
@busmark_w_nika It's definitely a full-time job, and it's hard to find those specific comments with such a large audience. I recommend checking out We're building a product that helps with this exact problem. CommSense acts as a Google PageRank for social media comments, sifting through all of the noise to raise the important comments to the surface. Would love your feedback given your domain knowledge!
Kunal Mehta
Great question! When creating an "Instagram not-to-do list," it's essential to focus on the most effective strategies to avoid wasting time and resources. My advice would be to prioritize genuine engagement over vanity metrics, stay consistent with your posting schedule, and resist the urge to buy followers or use automated tools. Remember, quality content and building authentic connections are the keys to success. Feel free to connect with me on Product Hunt, and I'd be happy to support you when you're ready to launch! πŸš€