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  • Introducing myself and SignalWhisperBot

    20 replies
    Hey Product Hunt community! I’m Guillaume, and I’m excited to be here. I’m a backend developer who’s worked on a few side projects before but never quite made it to the launch stage. I’ve had to abandon projects due to lack of time, discovering similar products, or sometimes because the project felt too big and I lost confidence it would work. But this time, I’m thrilled to announce that SignalWhisperBot is my first product actually getting launched! 🚀 I primarily use Signal to communicate with friends and family, many of whom love sending audio messages. While I get that it’s an easy way to send messages, receiving long audio messages can be quite a hassle. I searched for a way to convert these audio messages to text directly in Signal but couldn’t find anything. That’s what led me to create SignalWhisperBot, a bot that transcribes Signal voice messages into text. I’m hoping to launch it on Product Hunt soon and would greatly appreciate any advice or tips you might have for a successful launch. Looking forward to connecting with many of you and sharing more soon!


    Max Zhang
    Welcome aboard! We launched our product, AIPhone, last Friday, and to our delight, it was featured as the App of the Day. Here are my suggestions for you: 1. Engage a Hunter to spotlight your product; their followers will be notified, potentially netting you some initial votes. Of course, going solo with your launch is just as viable. 2. Post your teaser page (make sure the screenshots look good) across platforms like LinkedIn, Telegram, etc. Reach out and DM makers who have recently launched or are about to launch products; there's a strong community spirit of mutual support. 3. Let your friends know about this - their help will blow your mind away! Hope this helps! :)
    @defatom Got it, thanks for the clarification !
    @defatom thank you so much for the tips ! What does that mean exactly "Engage a Hunter" ?
    Max Zhang
    @gde They are like freelance 'editor's - if they like your product, they will likely be willing to hunt your app for free. You will still be marked as the maker, no worries.
    Nicole Park
    Launching soon!
    Congrats on your upcoming launch! Good luck! 😊
    Benson Xu
    Congrats, lets connect
    Kelly Kim
    Launching soon!
    Nice to meet you, Gillaume! Let's connect!
    Nikola Djordjevic
    Welcome to Product Hunt, best of luck with the launch! 🎉🚀
    Benson Gao
    Wishing you a successful release in advance
    Eric Lens
    I'm looking forward to seeing how this will make things easier.
    Lonny Shatzel
    Hi Guillaume! SignalWhisperBot sounds like a smart solution for those long voice messages.
    Brandon Linn
    I think SignalWhisperBot is a great idea, especially for those of us who prefer reading over listening. Best of luck with the launch!
    Elena Tsemirava
    Hi Guillaume, nice to meet you! Don’t be afraid of launching similar products. In fact, it might be a good thing. It could mean that there's demand for them. And good luck with your launch! Make sure to gather enough followers for support beforehand.
    Beatrice Cromwell
    Congrats, Guillaume! Sounds like a super practical tool. I’d recommend making a short demo video for your Product Hunt page. It helps people see the bot in action and understand how easy it is to use.
    @beatrice_cromwell Thank you ! I will definitely do that
    Lara Bishop
    This is such a cool concept!! My advice: get some early testimonials from friends or beta testers. Positive reviews can give your launch extra momentum!
    Susie Johns
    SignalWhisperBot sounds like a turning point! For your launch, make sure to use visuals like screenshots or GIFs to show off the bot’s transcription speed and accuracy.
    Scott Todd
    Hello! What a genius idea! Sometimes I have to skip through hours of recordings. Really can't wait to try out SignalWhisperBot!
    Carlos Cruz
    Congrats on launching SignalWhisperBot, Guillaume! This is a much needed tool, especially for people who prefer text over audio. My tip for launch day engagement with the community early and respond quickly to feedback!
    Julia Pollard
    Awesome work, Guillaume! My advice is to build a small, loyal user base pre launch by offering early access to friends or a beta group. They can help spread the word on launch day.