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  • Is Audio really killing newsletter inside companies ?

    Matthieu PERREARD
    2 replies
    Hi everyone! As only 15% of employees open in-company newsletters, I believe audio has a great future... Is there anyone in their companies who already use Audio/Podcast ? and if so can you share how you use it ? Thx Matthieu


    Geetanjali Shrivastava
    Totally believable that audio is winning for in-company communication. Even on WhatsApp most people are leaning towards leaving audio messages, and so many newsletters (esp on sunstack) have an accompanying audio format these days. I haven't invested in it yet, but it's pretty high on my list of things to do in 2023.
    Camren Lash
    Hello Matthieu, I use audio/podcast airing for my business/fitness coaches. I can vouch and say podcasts have expanded my clients productivity and range as well as numbers has increased. People could be sitting at home bored and they need of a certain product or company. So lets say jimmy listens to podcast and hes just scrolling scrolling then he clicks on yours. The way that your present yourself is everything as well as first impression. So if you start a podcast and get strait into it it means business,But if you start by a simple "hello I hope everyone is doing well." then get into it it will give the listeners a feeling of comfort because your being friendly and that will get listeners hooked. As well as at the end sum up what you said. Some people cant understand complex details so sum it up easily. I hope some of my wisdom has reached you and helps you. Have a good day.